M is for Mother


My grandparents - Albert B. Cleage & Pearl D. Reed in 1909.
My grandparents – Albert B. Cleage & Pearl D. Reed in 1909.

For the 2014 April A-Z Challenge, I am blogging everyday using items taken from the letters written by my grandfather to my grandmother from 1907 to 1912, starting with “A” and moving right through the alphabet to “Z” during April. Click on any image to enlarge.

2-20-10 2/10/’10

My dear Sweetheart:-

You perhaps were a little disappointed in not seeing me this afternoon as I promised you should, but I trust that the disappointment caused you no worry.  Henry and I were on our way out to your home and decided that this being Sabbath it was likely that you were over run with visitors and it would be best for us not to swell the number which already might be an annoyance to you mother

Pearl I am sorry that in this hour of your sorrow, that I can’t be in closer touch and relationship with you and I assure you that I will be glad to be of any service to you that I can. If you need my services (I don’t mean professional services) at any time don’t fail to call upon me. You don’t know how much I miss you and long to see you and be with you.

It has been a bad old day – very much in accord with my feelings.  Attendance at church has been rather small all day. Will be out again Tuesday evening, very probably. Received the card Sat. morning.

That your mother will soon be restored to health and strength is the prayer of your devoted


2-20-10_0001It seems that my great grandmother, Anna Reed, has been taken seriously ill.  I wonder if it were a small stroke.  She died of a cerebral hemorrhage the following February.  It must have been very serious for my grandfather and his brother to even consider a visit.

L is for Lincoln Hospital

My grandparents - Albert B. Cleage & Pearl D. Reed in 1909.
My grandparents – Albert B. Cleage & Pearl D. Reed in 1909.

For this year’s April A-Z Challenge I am blogging everyday using items taken from the letters written by my grandfather to my grandmother from 1907 to 1912, starting with “A” and moving right through the alphabet to “Z” during April.  At one point, this letter refers back to a letter from a year ago.  You can read it here at K is for Kenwood.



My dear Sweetheart:-

How did you spend St. Patrick’s day? It was a lovely day sure and also has today been beautiful.  How are you? Have you gotten entirely well. I hope that pains and aches with you are now “past history.”Does your mother seem to be improving?

These are busy days with me. Examinations for the close of the winter term begin Monday and will last one week after which comes a ten or twelve day’s vacation.- What can I do with so much time all by my lone self

Do you remember that last year we planned a day’s outing in the country and I thinking the day appointed, too bad did not show up?  And also how you got angry with me?  See how well I remember. That has been one year ago but it to me certainly does not seem so long.  You did go to Brookside with me, which was the beginning of several very pleasant trips which will always be sweet sweet memories to me.  My vacation is about 10 days off and it may be yet that you will be able to take that trip which we planned last year.


Mrs. White, I believe goes to Lincoln Hospital tomorrow to be operated upon Monday.  Mrs. Brady – Little Marcum Mitchell’s grandmother died at the City Hospital this morning. 

Photo found with letters.

Of course I selected that negative which you liked better, others whose opinion I asked were about equally divided.  I send you the other which is fast fading.

Be careful for yourself.  The things you said in your last letter were surely the product of a melancholie mind – such moods are not good for you. Cheer up!!  Of course, God in His wise providence might call your mother home, and ’tis he alone who can cause me to cease loving you.  So wake up from your dream – you shall nurse, not patients for someone else, but (__?__) for yourself – Won’t you like that better.  Yes, I believe you will – Ha! ha!

Your Albert

{Had better burn this letter up}


K is for Kenwood Ave.

My grandparents - Albert B. Cleage & Pearl D. Reed in 1909.
My grandparents – Albert B. Cleage & Pearl D. Reed in 1909.

For this year’s April A-Z Challenge I am blogging everyday using items taken from the letters written by my grandfather to my grandmother from 1907 to 1912, starting with “A” and moving right through the alphabet to “Z” during April.

Address: Miss Pearl Reed, 2730 Kenwood Ave, City


In my judgement, the weather today was entirely to cold for our proposed trip, and trust that in that you were not at all disappointed.  I did not write you earlier because until noon I was still planning to come. Why I did not come to see you I think you understand and I will not venture an explanation. Believe me I am very very sorry if you have been.

Do not be angry with me. If you think me careless or indifferent, you do me a great injustice.  I can conceive of no greater pleasure than seeing and being with you. 

Yes I am quite well again but as “lonely, lonely as can be.”  I finished my story – of course it was the usual – woman’s faithfulness and man’s unfaithfulness.  Of course those men and women we read of are the men and women of the past.

Have thought of you continuously this afternoon thinking of possibly I might have been offending you, but I remembered that love was long suffering – endureth all things for its object, then felt sure that you would understand – forgive and forget.

Will make one date that not withstanding the weather it will be possible to keep – will you on Thursday afternoon visit our college with me?  I will be out about 2 o’clock at any rate.


P.S. Pen, ink & writer all are on the bum.  I hope you can read it.



Perhaps my grandfather got his “lonely, lonely as can be” line. from this song that came out in 1905. There was sheet music too and I wonder if my grandmother played it on the piano.

I imagine Pearl was none too pleased to receive this last minute cancellation after she had made her way to their meeting place.

The streetcar ran up Capital or Meridian.

My grandmother and her family had been living at 2730 Kenwood Ave since at least 1903.  Her older brother, George owned the house.  He was a laborer and lived there until illness in 1945 forced him to move to Detroit to live with Albert and Pearl and their family.

Albert and his brothers lived about 2.5 miles south of Kenwood at 510 Fayette.  A street car ran straight between them, with only short walks on each end to reach the line. When I visited Indianapolis in 2005, the house on Fayette was still standing and looking good. 2739 Kenwood has been torn down, paved over and was a parking lot.

You can read the letter my grandfather wrote a year later where he references this one here.

J is for June


My grandparents - Albert B. Cleage & Pearl D. Reed in 1909.
My grandparents – Albert B. Cleage & Pearl D. Reed in 1909.

For this year’s April A-Z Challenge I am blogging everyday using items taken from the letters written by my grandfather to my grandmother from 1907 to 1912, starting with “A” and moving right through the alphabet to “Z” during April.

Postmark – June 20, 1909.  Somehow I had overlooked this postcard, but I felt I had to post it, even though I had to dig pretty deep to find a “J” connection.  I wonder what my grandmother thought when she received this card?

Written in Toledo, mailed Buffalo C-


I left Indianapolis last night at 7:25. Stayed all night in Hamilton O. Am now in Toledo at 10 a.m. will leave for Detroit 2:14.




4 Bonus Postcards – Sepia Saturday

For this weeks Sepia Saturday foursome, I put together 4 postcards that my grandfather sent my grandmother that I am not able to fit into my A-Z Challenge format.  They were all sent by him the summer he worked on the steamer Eastern States between Detroit and Buffalo. I wonder what he meant when he wrote that he sent her a song on two of the cards.   The messages match the pictures in the same space – top left, bottom right etc.


Top left.

Buffalo – 7/28/’09

Dear Pearl – I see that a new danger has arisen about which I must warn you – beware of the waves as well as of snakes and ___.  I guess you remember my advice. A.B.C.

Top right.

Aug 21 – ’09

I mail you a “song” I heard yesterday & liked. Don’t laugh at my taste, the sentiment is what appealed to me. A.B.C.

Lower left

Buffalo – 7-20-’09

Dear Pearl – I was disappointed yesterday and today in Buffalo in not getting a letter – “If a body write a body and get no reply, is it wrong for a body to write a body and ask the reason – Why?    Albert

Lower right


Sept 3 – 09

Hope you will like the accompanying music. I do. Your letter and the P___ will be mailed to you Sunday.  Albert

For More Sepia Saturday foursomes, click!

I is for “I’ll Take A Chance.”


My grandparents - Albert B. Cleage & Pearl D. Reed in 1909.
My grandparents – Albert B. Cleage & Pearl D. Reed in 1909.

For this year’s April A-Z Challenge I am blogging everyday using items taken from the letters written by my grandfather to my grandmother from 1907 to 1912, starting with “A” and moving right through the alphabet to “Z” during April.


Am sure this will not reach you in time for you to answer.  Anyway – I’ll take a chance and come out tomorrow night.  Look for me!!



H is for Henry Hummons


My grandparents - Albert B. Cleage & Pearl D. Reed in 1909.
My grandparents – Albert B. Cleage & Pearl D. Reed in 1909.

For this year’s April A-Z Challenge I am blogging everyday using items taken from the letters written by my grandfather to my grandmother from 1907 to 1912, starting with “A” and moving right through the alphabet to “Z” during April.

Steamer Eastern States
Aug 9 – ’09
…”I am sorry that your mother is not well and I trust that ere this she is in health and spirit what you would have her be.
          Have seen several people from Indianapolis whom I know among them were Drs Hummons & Atkins who were in Detroit the other day enroute to Niagra Falls and Toronto.  To see them come and go makes one homesick.
Sweetheart is real late and I m tired and sleepy will write you a long sweet letter next time.

                                                                                                                          With much love I am

H is for Henry Humus

Dr. Henry Hummons examining a patient at Flanner House.

In this letter Albert wrote to Pearl in Benton Harbor, MI, where she has gone for a summer visit.  Two of her older sisters, Sarah Reed Busby and Louise Reed Shoemaker lived there with their families.

Dr. Henry L. Hummons was about 10 years older than my grandfather and a leader in Indianapolis’ black community.  He had attended Knoxville College, as did my grandfather and also graduated from Indiana Medical College, which my grandfather was attending. Dr. Hummons had set up his practice in Indianapolis. He took a leading role in starting Witherspoon Presbyterian Church, of which my grandparents and my grandfather’s brothers were founding members. He and my great uncle, Henry Cleage, were leaders in the campaign to get a black YMCA in Indianapolis as the white ones were not integrated.  His name appears in several of my grandfather’s later letters.  You can read more about him in the obituaries below.

Dr_Hummons_diesDr. Henry Lytle Hummons (M.D., Med. Coll. Ind. ’02) of Indianapolis, Indiana, died on April 5, 1956 after a prolonged illness. He was 83. Dr. Hummons was born in Lexington, Kentucky on February 25, 1873, the son of Thomas and Mary Ellen Hummons. He received his early education in the local public schools and graduated from Knoxvillle College in 1896. In that year he came to Indianapolis, and later entered the old Medical College of Indiana from which he received the M.D. in 1902. He served an internship in Shelbyville Hospital in 1903 and entered practice in Indianapolis in that year.

He was long active in medical, civic and church activities.  In 1919 he established the city’s first free tuberculosis clinic at Flanner House.  he was one of the co-founders of the Senate Avenue branch of the Y.M.C.A.  With the aid of Mr. Henry Cleage, he organized the Witherspoon United Presbyterian Church 49 years ago.  The Omega Psi Phi fraternity, of which he was a member, named him their “Man of the Year,” in 1953.  Also in 1953 he received a pin from the Indiana Medical Association in recognition of his 50 years service as a physician.”

G is for Graduation


My grandparents - Albert B. Cleage & Pearl D. Reed in 1909.
My grandparents – Albert B. Cleage & Pearl D. Reed in 1909.

For this year’s April A-Z Challenge I am blogging everyday using items taken from the letters written by my grandfather to my grandmother from 1907 to 1912, starting with “A” and moving right through the alphabet to “Z” during April.


I’m not sure why my grandfather Albert sent this card with the child graduate and no message. His own graduation from Medical school was still 8 months away.  He is using a different address, so perhaps this was a test card to make sure it arrived safely, away from the hostile eyes of Pearl’s mother.  Her mother was opposed to their relationship.

F is for Flower Clock


My grandparents - Albert B. Cleage & Pearl D. Reed in 1909.
My grandparents – Albert B. Cleage & Pearl D. Reed in 1909.

For this year’s April A-Z Challenge I will be blogging everyday using items taken from the letters written by my grandfather to my grandmother from 1907 to 1912, starting with “A” and moving right through the alphabet to “Z” during April.

Would like to see you Thursday afternoon.

Detroit 9/14/09

Dear Pearl,

I expect to arrive in Indianapolis Thursday morning and if it will be possible for me to see you any where at anytime before Sabbath write me at #910 Fayett St. – Albert

F is for Floral Clock

Title: Floral Clock at Gladwin Park, Detroit, Mich.
Caption on back: This Floral Clock is located at Gladwin Park, which contains 75 acres. Here also is the water pumping station were seventy-three million gallons of water are pumped daily for Detroit’s supply. The Clock is run by water power.

“This park — which still exists today but is no longer open to the public — would eventually encompass 110 acres with swimming and picnic areas, play equipment like swings and teeter-totters, baseball diamonds, even a library. It also was a popular place for fishermen. At the turn of the 20th Century, the park also had two islands, three bridges, a small wading lagoon and a winding canal where rowboats could enter the park,” “The First 300 Years” says. “Visitors strolled along pathways lined with chestnut trees, intricately landscaped shrubbery and floral displays,” it continues. Another beloved attraction was a clock near the entrance that was made of flowers and run off water pressure.” Water Works Park Tower – Historic Detroit

E is for “Eastern States”


My grandparents - Albert B. Cleage & Pearl D. Reed in 1909.
My grandparents – Albert B. Cleage & Pearl D. Reed in 1909.

For this year’s April A-Z Challenge I will be blogging everyday using items taken from the letters written by my grandfather to my grandmother from 1907 to 1912, starting with “A” and moving right through the alphabet to “Z” during April.


onboard“June 27, 1909 (On board the Steamer “Eastern States” – Lake Erie)
This is Sabbath night about 10:00 o’clock and we are about six hours ride out of Detroit and about twelve miles from land in the shortest direction.

Surroundings are such as to impress one with his insignificance and emphasize the fact that he is indeed kept by Jehovah’s care. I shall first endeavor to acquaint you with the boat on which I am working. It’s name is “The Eastern States” and runs from Detroit to Buffalo. We leave Detroit one day at 5 PM and arrive in Buffalo the next morning at 8 o’clock, staying in Buffalo all day we leave again for Detroit in the Evening at 5 pm. You see we spend one day in Detroit and one in Buffalo. Today we were in Detroit and would it interest you to know how I spent it? Well, if it will interest you; after breakfast was over about 9 am, I went down to our “quarters” (I suppose you have only a faint conception of what that word means – I describe it later.) and slept until 11:30 – served lunch, after which Aldridge and I walked up town for about 2 hours – smoked some cigars, came back to the boat and took a couple of hours more of sleep. So you see I am putting in plenty of time sleeping. This stuff I’m sure does not interest you and I will not bore you longer but as I promised to say something about our “quarters”

This isn't the dining room of the Eastern States but the City of Detroit was a sister ship so it was probably similar.
This isn’t the dining room of the Eastern States but the City of Detroit was a sister ship so it was probably similar.

It is one large room about 35 x 40 ft. in which are 32 beds – just think of it!! Those beds or better bunks are arranged in tiers of three and I at the present time am sitting on my bed (the top one) and there are two other fellows below me. What ventilation we get comes through six small port holes the diameters of which are about 6 in.

The fellows are a cosmopolitan aggregation, men from everywhere and at any time you can hear arguments and discussions on all subjects – Sensible and nonsensible. There are several students on board – boys from Howard University, Wilberforce University, Oberlin University, Michigan, and Indiana and out of them there are some very fine fellows to know…  I could talk all night about the desirable and the non-desirable features of my Steamboat experience…”

You can read an earlier and more complete post about the Steamer Eastern States here.