For the 2014 April A-Z Challenge, I am blogging everyday using items taken from the letters written by my grandfather to my grandmother from 1907 to 1912, starting with “A” and moving right through the alphabet to “Z” during April. Click on any image to enlarge.
My dear Sweetheart:-
You perhaps were a little disappointed in not seeing me this afternoon as I promised you should, but I trust that the disappointment caused you no worry. Henry and I were on our way out to your home and decided that this being Sabbath it was likely that you were over run with visitors and it would be best for us not to swell the number which already might be an annoyance to you mother
Pearl I am sorry that in this hour of your sorrow, that I can’t be in closer touch and relationship with you and I assure you that I will be glad to be of any service to you that I can. If you need my services (I don’t mean professional services) at any time don’t fail to call upon me. You don’t know how much I miss you and long to see you and be with you.
It has been a bad old day – very much in accord with my feelings. Attendance at church has been rather small all day. Will be out again Tuesday evening, very probably. Received the card Sat. morning.
That your mother will soon be restored to health and strength is the prayer of your devoted
It seems that my great grandmother, Anna Reed, has been taken seriously ill. I wonder if it were a small stroke. She died of a cerebral hemorrhage the following February. It must have been very serious for my grandfather and his brother to even consider a visit.