November 8, 1904 – Pearl’s Mother Very Ill and Homer shares “Vitality Supreme”

Courtesy of Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library/University of Georgia Libraries. Click to enlarge.
Pearl Reed

Homer Jarrett
426 Muskingun St. City

2730 Kenwood Ave.
November 8, 1904

Mr. Jarrett,
Homer, the book and enclosed letter were received and noted. They were a pleasant surprise and I am truly grateful to you and them. I do not deserve so much kindness and generosity.

I did not hear Mr. McFadden’s lecture, although I had built great hopes on doing so. I am glad to hear that you attended it, and would be delighted if you would come out and tell me more about it and him. Will you?

I have been nurse and housekeeper for almost a month, for mother had another attack of lung trouble and we were greatly troubled lest we might lose her. She is much better now and sends you her best regards.

Thanking you again for the book and hoping to see you soon
I remain,
Yours Gratefully,
Pearl D. Reed


Bernarr Macfadden’s book on physical culture.
The Indianapolis Star Monday, Oct. 31, 1904

Aug 29, 1904 – An Invitation

Courtesy of Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library/University of Georgia Libraries. Click to enlarge.
Pearl Reed

Homer Jarrett
426 Muskingun St. City

2730 Kenwood Ave.,
Aug 29, 1904

Mr. Jarrett;
Dear Friend

Mother and I request your presence at our home Wednesday Evening. From eight till ten o’clock. Please do not find an excuse Homer, and I will promise not to run away this time. It is not formal and we shall look for you.

Hoping to see you Weds Even. We remain,

Yours Sincerely,
Mrs. Reed and Pearl

August 24, 1904 – An Entertainment

Courtesy of Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library/University of Georgia Libraries. Click to enlarge.
Pearl Reed

Homer Jarrett
412 Muskingun St. City
(penciled in ##23 W. Ohio City)

2730 Kenwood Ave.
August 24, 1904

Mr. Jarrett;
Friend I write to beg forgiveness for running away Sunday evening. You will forgive me when you learn that I went on an errand of mercy. When I returned Mr. and Mrs. Ewing were almost ready to go home. Did you attend the entertainment at Ninth Presbyterian Church last night?

Good by,
Pearl Doris Reed


What entertainment was happening at Ninth Presbyterian Church on August 23?

And what was a conundrum supper?

Looking around online, I found that a “conundrum supper” was a fund raising ploy used in the late 1890s and the early 1900s.  Each menu item was presented in the form of a riddle.

I found this on Google Books, but can’t find it again and didn’t notate it!

June 16, 1904 – Minnie Coming to Visit

Courtesy of Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library/University of Georgia Libraries. Click to enlarge.
Pearl Reed

Homer Jarrett
412 Muskingun St. City

2730 Kenwood Ave
June 16, 1904

Dear Homer,

Your kind letter was received. I have the most delightful news for you Minnie and the children will be here on the 28th for a ten day visit. Are you not pleased?

Forgive me for forgetting you. Are you well? I hope you look better than you did Sunday. Come out Sunday and we will decide where we will go. I thank you for complimenting my “Gingham gown”. I like it quite well.

Did you get the Marons you spoke of? I was speaking with an acquaintance a few days ago and he had visited the island of Jamaica and the surrounding countries. Have I tired you with this stuff? Forgive me if I have for you know I was born to tire people.

Yours truly,


The “Marons”? Because she mentioned Jamaica, I was thinking she might have meant “Maroons”. The Maroons were people who escaped from slavery and live free in the swamps and forests.

Minnie and baby Bill. About 1912. From the collection of the family of Bill Mullins

Minnie Mullins had three children at this time; Helen 4, James 3, Benjamin 2 and was pregnant with Arthur, who would be born in September 1904.

April 12, 1904 – Mother Ill Again

Courtesy of Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library/University of Georgia Libraries. Click to enlarge.
Pearl Reed

Homer Jarrett
230 Bird St. City

2730 Kenwood Ave. City
April 12, 1904


Your letter found mother much better and I thank you for your interest in her. You remember I spoke in the last letter to you of an invitation to an entertainment and that I thought that I would be unable to go, well I changed my mind and did go. We had a very nice time. There were about seventy-five there. We stayed until about twelve o’clock. I will be at home Wednesday, evening and shall expect you out. I had not heard of the entertainment at the Chapel although I met and spoke with a young man of that church last evening. I suppose he forgot it.


P.S. Write to Minnie for she is anxious to hear from you
Your Pearl


I wonder what kind of birthday anniversary it was with 75 people. I hope the rally at Allen Chapel was successful in lifting the debt.

Allen chapel The Indianapolis Journal Sunday, April 17, 1904

April 7, 1904 – Mother Very Ill, Minnie’s New Address

Courtesy of Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library/University of Georgia Libraries. Click to enlarge.
Pearl Reed

Homer Jarrett
#230 Bird St., City

2730 Kenwood Ave
April 7, 1904

Dear Homer;
Forgive me for not writing sooner, but don’t you know I did write but tore up the letter a few hours after. Mother is very ill now and has been since Easter eve. I am having a terrible time. I could not go to church Easter Morn and have just received an invitation to a friends at her birthday anniversary but had to send her my regrets. Pity me.
Your little friend

P.S. I am in an awful hurry, forgive this writing.

Your Pearl

P.S. Minnie’s address is #337 Colfax Ave. Benton Harbor Mich.

March 17, 1904 – A New Address and The Mullins Move to Michigan

Pearl Reed

Homer Jarrett
230 Alleghany St. City

2714 Kenwood Ave., City
March 17, 1904

Dear Homer;

I write to inform you that Minnie and Mullins have gone to Michigan to reside permanently. She told me that you did not know of it and I promised to inform you. I hope this finds you in good health for it leaves me quite indisposed.

Hoping to hear from you soon, or see you at our home.

I remain
New Address # 2730 Kenwood simply the number changed,


The house on a 1915 Sanborn map. At the time of the letters, Pearl’s Uncle Thomas, brother of her mother, and his wife lived in the house at the other end of the lot.

A Wikipedia entry says “The Sanborn Maps were originally created for assessing fire insurance liability in urbanized areas in the United States.”

I wanted to know what Pearl’s house looked like. When my daughter Ayanna and I drove around Indianapolis looking for family homes, we found the house gone, now a parking lot.  I took a walk in the neighborhood via Google Maps. The houses nearby were on low rises, with steps going up to them. I looked at other houses on the Sanborn Map and found some still standing. I got a bit carried away, looking at the map, finding historic houses still standing. I finally made a composite of what the house may have looked like. I must admit that I added a porch.

My vision of 2730 Kenwood.
Possible layout of Kenwood house

Why Renumber and Rename Streets?  A long article from The Indianapolis Journal  April 8, 1895 about why they renumbered the streets. It took years and years to complete the project.

An announcement of the Mullins family’s move to Benton Harbor, Michigan appeared in a local black newspaper, The Indianapolis Recorder.

March 8, 1904 – Guitar and Piano Lessons

Courtesy of Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library/University of Georgia Libraries. Click to enlarge.
Pearl Reed

Homer Jarrett
230 Alleghany St. City

2700 Kenwood Ave
March 8, 1904

Your letter was handed me at supper and don’t you know, that I was rather glad to hear from you. I did not answer your letter before, because I thought you were tired of hearing such “silly” “little” letters. You have managed nicely to keep yourself out of sight lately, since I’ve come to think of it, I think it has been about a month – don’t you?

I heard of the bad news that you had from home and Homer I send you my sympathy. Are they better now, I mean the ones that were ill?

In regards to my music, why I suppose I am getting on quite well. My tutor flatters me and tells me that I am doing “Oh, so nicely”, but I don’t believe one half of what is told me. Do you know I’ve changed from the guitar to the piano? You must think me the most changeable person Homer, but I get so tired of everything so very soon, you know.

Aren’t you tired of this stuff Homer? Well I am.



Did Pearl forget the letter she wrote just a month ago telling him off for insulting her mother?

Guitar? I had no idea my grandmother ever took guitar lessons. Some years later, she taught her niece Helen (Minnie’s oldest daughter) to play the piano. When I decided to stop taking piano lessons, she told me I should continue because I could play at parties and for friends.

Pearl would have heard about Homer’s family back in Georgia being sick from Minnie, who was married to Homer’s cousin, James Mullins.

February 7, 1904 – Evil Thoughts

Courtesy of Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library/University of Georgia Libraries. Click to enlarge.
Pearl Reed

Homer Jarrett
230 Alleghany St. City

2700 Kenwood Ave
February 7, 1904

Mr. Jarrett,

Homer, for the evil thought and words concerning my mother, which you spoke a few weeks ago, I forgive you as I hope to be forgiven of my many sins and faults. My mother does not know anything about it and has often asked why you never visit any more. She shall never learn your terrible thoughts of her . She will always think you one of the most gentle young men in the city, if I can help it.

Pearl D. Reed