January 27, 1905 – Minnie and Family Visiting, All Are Sick & Pearl Takes a Walk

Courtesy of Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library/University of Georgia Libraries. Click to enlarge.
Pearl Reed

Homer Jarrett
9 Walnut St.
Hot Springs, Ark

2730 Kenwood Ave
Indianapolis Ind
January 27, 1905

Mr. Jarrett;
Homer, your letter was received O.K. Very glad to hear from you so soon. How are you? Hope you are well as I am.
We are having very cold weather here just now and have had several heavy snows. We received a letter from James Mullins and he said they were having very severe weather in Michigan and that at the time he was writing they were having a blizzard.

Minnie and family are with us still. All of them are quite ill this evening with severe colds and fever She sends her best regards to you. I have been quite busy serving for her for a few days and today being clear, bright and sharp, I went for a walk about 2:30 PM. I walked all the way to the Library and back. You have no idea, how I enjoyed the walk Homer. I felt rather blue when I left home, but, by the time I reached it again, thought life was worth living after all. Really there is nothing like walking to cause you to forget your pretty troubles and ills, I think. Don’t you think so too? The book I got is “Bayou Folk,” by Kate Chopin. Have you read it, or any of her works?

Are you interested in the Russian Rebellion? I feel very sorry for them, the poor ones I mean, and I hope that they will get their rights and desires in the end, but I wonder if they sympathized with the poor negro when he was in as bad, if not worse, a plight as themselves. All of the Czar’s troubles are coming at once, it seems. The “Japs” proved too much for them and then the “people” turned as it were, on them. I think his son that he longed and prayed for has brought him ill luck so far.

I have not been any place lately and Hugh and I shall go to the Grand Opera House Saturday if nothing happens to prevent it. I do not think that I have seen the play. It is “Paul Conchas”, something that Hugh has seen before and liked I suppose.

Homer, tell me about yourself won’t you? You never tell me what you are doing at all. Are you not glad you are not here in this severe weather. I envy you your location just now. Please pity us poor mortals Homer.
You think I shall never finish. Do you not? Well, I am after all.

All send love and best wishes to you. O, have you become acquainted with many yet? Write some Homer. Yours Sincerely,
Pearl Doris Reed


When I first read this letter, I thought that my grandmother Pearl and her brother were going to an opera.  I was impressed. When I looked a bit further, I found that Paul Conchas was not an opera singer but a strong man juggler who performed in vaudeville opera houses around the country.

Hugh Marion Reed Averette – Pearl’s older brother.
paul conchas The_Indianapolis_News_Tue__Jan_24__1905

Stories of the Russian revolt were all over the newspapers during that time. Interesting that my grandmother Pearl was already interested in the news and in relating it to black people.

January 18, 1905 – Shall We Cease Writing?

Courtesy of Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library/University of Georgia Libraries. Click to enlarge.
Pearl Reed

Homer Jarrett
9 Walnut St.
Hot Springs, Ark

2731 Kenwood Ave
Indianapolis Ind.
January 18, 1905

Mr. Jarrett;

Homer, having just returned from a long walk with Helen, Jim and Ben, I wish to speak with you. I shall pretend that I see you and I can get on nicer or better. Homer I am sorry that our short acquaintance was so very disappointing to you and that I was and am so very contrary and flighty but you will see Homer, that I can’t be otherwise I could not if I tried. Of course I shall not say that I do try – for I should speak untrue. Maybe it is just as well that we did not go any more than we did together.

Listen, you speak of the gifts from you to me. Why, Homer, I would have given them back to you because I did not think myself worthy of them, do you understand? I was and am proud of the books and the parasol and shall always be and love them.

But Homer, listen if you do not believe anything that I say any more, don’t you think that I better cease writing to you? You do not care for me or you would trust me. Do you know that people generally trust those that they truly care for? Do you always expect proofs of things? Do you never think of trusting anybody, even those you profess to care for? Homer, this being the case I think we should cease to correspond, don’t you? You do and would not believe anything I should say and so it would be all of no avail.

Mother is getting on nicely and sends her best regards to you and advises you to be a good boy.

Minnie and family are quite well. They send love and best wishes to you. The children often speak of you to me.

Love from all to you.

Glad you heard from your mother and that she is well.

Our church is carrying on revival now and I think I shall attend tomorrow night.

Homer, Good By
Yours Sincerely,
Pearl D. Reed


In January of 1905, Minnie Mullins and her four children were visiting Indianapolis from Benton Harbor, Michigan. Minnie was 27 years old. She was the mother of four children – Helen, Jim, Ben and Arthur.

Click to enlarge

January 15, 1905 – Mother Better and Homer Describes Mountains

Courtesy of Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library/University of Georgia Libraries. Click to enlarge.
Pearl Reed

Homer Jarrett
9 Walnut St.
Hot Springs, Ark

2730 Kenwood Ave.
Indianapolis, Ind
January 15, 1905

Dear Homer,

Your letter was received with delight. Was so glad to hear from you. Do you believe it? Of course you don’t. You never believed a thing I told you, do you, friend? Forgive me Homer, I did not mean to annoy you, and I forget that this year I was not to quarrel, not to worry anyone, if I could possibly avoid it.

Your scenic description was splendid, I could almost picture myself there among the mountains. So glad to hear that you have a church so very near you and that you are so pleased with your surroundings.

Mother is much better now. She sends her love to you. Do you believe it? Mr. Mullins and family are quite well. She sends her best regard to you. There is nothing of unusual happening that I know of Homer, to tell you of now so I shall say good-night.

Please write soon
Yours sincerely
Pearl D. Reed.


Ouachita Mountains, Arkansas. Wikipedia Commons

January 2, 1905 – Mother Ill and Homer In Hot Springs, Arkansas

Courtesy of Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library/University of Georgia Libraries. Click to enlarge.
Pearl Reed

Mr. Homer Jarrett
#9 Walnut St.
Hot Springs, Ark.

2730 Kenwood Ave
Ind, Ind.
Jan. 2nd/05

Mr. Jarrett;
Dear Homer,

Your letter was gladly received today.

I was very disappointed to find that the other one was for your mother instead of me. I would have sent it on to her but you never cared to tell me her address, but I shall send it as I send this to you. I wonder if she would be angry if she knew to whom it had been sent?

Homer you have no idea how much you are missed, of course you are not out very often, but, we knew that you were here.

Sorry you did not see Minnie and family they send their love to you. Did you see Wilson before you left? I heard that he was looking for you, but I did not see him myself.

Mother is very ill with tonsillitis. She is sorry that you left without telling her goodbye, and sends her love and best wishes to you.

I am growing sleepy Homer and I shall cease for this time. It is just 12:30 o’clock. All are asleep but me and mother.

O, Homer tell me all that happens will you? Remember nothing will be too trivial, for I shall be interested in all that you do and everything that happens to you.

Write very very soon.
Yours ever sincerely,
Pearl D. Reed


Wilson Mullins was Mr. James Mullins younger brother. He was a chef and owned a cafe for several years. I found several news items about him.

December 21, 1904 – Would She Be That Selfish?

Courtesy of Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library/University of Georgia Libraries. Click to enlarge.
Pearl Reed

Homer Jarrett
426 Muskingun St. City

230 Kenwood Ave City
December 21, 1904

Mr. Jarrett,
Homer your letter was received, gladly and I shall try to answer every question which you asked of me.
I am very sorry to hear that you are leaving town so suddenly, we shall all miss you very much. You spoke as if someone could influence you in regards to leaving or remaining.

Just for an instant we will say that someone does care for a certain person, and that person wishes to visit his home and mother and friends, whom he has not seen for a long time. Do you think that she would be selfish enough to try to persuade him to remain here, and feeling that his heart is there? I do not think she is that kind of a girl. It is perfectly natural for one to turn homeward at Xmas tide.

Minnie, if she comes at all, will be here about Saturday at noon. Haven’t heard from her for nearly two weeks.

You think that you will not enjoying going to the entertainment alone Monday? I am sorry, for sure. Will you accompany us to Mrs. Rodger’s home and go from there to Church? If you will, be here at 6:15 or 6:00 o’clock if possible, if you are not here at 6:15 we shall go on alone.

Shall be pleased to see you Sunday afternoon. In regards to Xmas present, why anything that you get I shall like it. Do not worry about it for I should be pleased with anything.

Yours Sincerely
Pearl D. Reed

December 1, 1904 – Tired of Sarcasm and Baby Arthur Walks!

Courtesy of Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library/University of Georgia Libraries. Click to enlarge.
Pearl Reed

Homer Jarrett
426 Muskingun St. City

230 Kenwood Ave.
December 1, 1904

Mr. Jarrett;

Homer your sarcastic letter was received. I am glad the mistake was mine and that my poor letters give you something to laugh and make fun of. Will you please forget that errand of Mercy?

It is too bad that you have to work on Sundays. Do you mind it? If you do, I sympathize with you. Do you like this place better than the other?

If nothing happens to prevent it, I shall visit my church Sunday eve. We had a letter from Minnie yesterday. They are all well and send their love to you. The baby Arthur walks now.

I shall cease writing now for it is time to prepare supper.

Hoping to see you Sunday Eve, I remain

Yours Sincerely,
Pearl D. Reed


Arthur Mullins records say he was born September 6, 1904, 1905 or even 1901(marriage record), however if he’s walking in December of 1904, it’s unlikely he was born 3 months earlier or in the next year. His three older siblings were born in 1899, 1900 and 1901. His next sibling was born in 1906. Which just goes to show, records can be wrong.

November 11, 1904 – Homer Advised Not to Visit

Courtesy of Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library/University of Georgia Libraries. Click to enlarge.
Pearl Reed

Homer Jarrett
426 Muskingun St. City

2730 Kenwood Ave.
November 11, 1904

Mr. Jarrett,
Dear friend,
your letter was received, of course and I was a little disappointed to learn that you would be unable to visit us for so long, but if McFadden advises it I am sure it is for the best. I shall expect to see a wonderful change in you, whenever we do meet, so much so that I shall feel like an insignificant, little minx beside you. I should so like to see you just as near perfection as is possible, Homer, truly.

We wanted you with us Thanksgiving, but I suppose that is impossible also. I think that Minnie will be home Xmas and we should like to have you out then if you could come. You want news but I know very little just now. It is near nine o’clock and I am going to cease worrying you, for I know that you are tired of this stuff, are you not?

Listen! I do not wish to interfere with your Culture Laws, Homer, so if you think it best, I shall not expect an answer from this, for a long time. I am following the instructions in the book which you sent but I do not expect to be perfect for it is not in me.



click to enlarge

To read all of MacFadden’s book, click this link ->Physical Culture

November 8, 1904 – Pearl’s Mother Very Ill and Homer shares “Vitality Supreme”

Courtesy of Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library/University of Georgia Libraries. Click to enlarge.
Pearl Reed

Homer Jarrett
426 Muskingun St. City

2730 Kenwood Ave.
November 8, 1904

Mr. Jarrett,
Homer, the book and enclosed letter were received and noted. They were a pleasant surprise and I am truly grateful to you and them. I do not deserve so much kindness and generosity.

I did not hear Mr. McFadden’s lecture, although I had built great hopes on doing so. I am glad to hear that you attended it, and would be delighted if you would come out and tell me more about it and him. Will you?

I have been nurse and housekeeper for almost a month, for mother had another attack of lung trouble and we were greatly troubled lest we might lose her. She is much better now and sends you her best regards.

Thanking you again for the book and hoping to see you soon
I remain,
Yours Gratefully,
Pearl D. Reed


Bernarr Macfadden’s book on physical culture.
The Indianapolis Star Monday, Oct. 31, 1904

Aug 29, 1904 – An Invitation

Courtesy of Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library/University of Georgia Libraries. Click to enlarge.
Pearl Reed

Homer Jarrett
426 Muskingun St. City

2730 Kenwood Ave.,
Aug 29, 1904

Mr. Jarrett;
Dear Friend

Mother and I request your presence at our home Wednesday Evening. From eight till ten o’clock. Please do not find an excuse Homer, and I will promise not to run away this time. It is not formal and we shall look for you.

Hoping to see you Weds Even. We remain,

Yours Sincerely,
Mrs. Reed and Pearl

August 24, 1904 – An Entertainment

Courtesy of Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library/University of Georgia Libraries. Click to enlarge.
Pearl Reed

Homer Jarrett
412 Muskingun St. City
(penciled in ##23 W. Ohio City)

2730 Kenwood Ave.
August 24, 1904

Mr. Jarrett;
Friend I write to beg forgiveness for running away Sunday evening. You will forgive me when you learn that I went on an errand of mercy. When I returned Mr. and Mrs. Ewing were almost ready to go home. Did you attend the entertainment at Ninth Presbyterian Church last night?

Good by,
Pearl Doris Reed


What entertainment was happening at Ninth Presbyterian Church on August 23?

And what was a conundrum supper?

Looking around online, I found that a “conundrum supper” was a fund raising ploy used in the late 1890s and the early 1900s.  Each menu item was presented in the form of a riddle.

I found this on Google Books, but can’t find it again and didn’t notate it!