Howard Alexander Graham Death Certificate

Howard Alexander Graham, 1930
Howard Alexander Graham, 1928 – 1932
Howard Alexander Graham's death certificate
Howard Alexander Graham’s death certificate

Howard Alexander Turner was my mother’s youngest brother. He was named after my grandmother’s father, Howard Turner. Howard was born September 7, 1928, in the year following his older brother, Mershell’s death by trauma after being run over by a truck on the way back to school.   My grandparents felt that Howard had been sent to fill the space left by Mershell.  Unfortunately he died of Scarlet Fever, exacerbated by  Diabetes in 1932.

Howard died at Herman Kiefer Hospital in Detroit. He had been ill for fifteen days before his death. He is described as a single, colored male age 3 years, 5 months and 27 days old. His mother’s maiden name was Fannie Turner and his father was Mershell Graham.  Both were born in Alabama. He was born in Detroit, Michigan and lived at 6638 Theodore St. in Detroit.  He died at 5:05 AM on March 4, 1932.  His father was the informant.

I wrote more about Howard in these, much more personal posts with copies of his mother’s thoughts and memories:

Fannie Mae Turner Graham’s Bible

Births, Deaths, Doctors and Detroit

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