My Father’s Book – The Bible In Art

Bible_in_PictureI now own this book that my father bought when he was a student at the Graduate School of Theology at Oberlin College. When we were growing up, my sister and I spent hours looking at the pictures and reading the excerpts from the Bible. My two favorite pictures are those below.  I liked  the way that their hair resembled mine.


During my last visit with my father, in December 1999, the month before he died, I asked him if I could borrow the book. I think he started to say no but then changed his mind and said I could. He was 88 years old and had a heart condition. On February 22, 2000 he died of congestive heart failure in South Carolina.  We spent more time together and talked more than we ever had, during the last several years of his life. I am very grateful for that.

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I did another Family Bible post My Grandmother Fannie’s Bible.

Helmets, Armor and Negroes with Guns, – Sepia Saturday #186


In 1968 when I was an art student drawing all the time, I often went to the Detroit Institute of Art to sketch in the Entrance Hall where two long rows of knight’s armor stood against the walls. They are now enclosed in glass cases, but at the time they were just out there, standing along the walls.


In 1997, my youngest son Cabral and I took a train trip to Albuquerque, New Mexico from our home in Idlewild, MI. We went to visit another  homeschooling family. I had met the mother, Sandra Dodd, online in the AOL Homeschooling forum.  cabral_armor_new_mexico02Other cabral_armor_new_mexico_catihomeschoolers in our area of Lake County, Idlewild were few and far between. I thought it would be interesting to actually meet in real life one of the people I spent so much time (and money in those days) visiting with online.  When unschooler Sandra invited us out, we went.  We were there almost a week and saw a inactive volcano, played miniature golf, watched videos and went to a science museum. What stands out in my mind the most is the day we visited a museum that had actual items from New Mexico’s early days, including Spanish armor, and they let people try it on. Above you see my son trying out the various items. He even got to go outside for a photograph and in the New Mexico landscape.


the_crusaderThis weeks prompt for Sepia Saturday is Boudica, a freedom fighter for the local British tribes against the Roman invaders, this makes my choice of Robert Williams all the more relevant. Robert Williams died in 1996. He was author of the book “Negro’s With Guns” and an advocate of self defense for black people.  He was from North Carolina. He published his newsletter The Crusader for years. The logo was a little figure of a crusading knight.

I remember a letter from my mother describing Robert Williams picketing the local newspaper, The Lake County Star, with a photograph of him wearing his WW I German helmet. Unfortunately, I can’t find it. I did find a description of the picket by Father Joe Fix given at Robert Williams funeral. Father Joe was the Priest at St. Ann’s Catholic Church in Baldwin, MI where Robert’s wife, Mabel, was a member. Below are his remarks. You can see the full transcript of the funeral by clicking the title.

Father Joseph Fix St. Ann’s Catholic Church Baldwin, MI

I first met Robert almost nine years ago. I was invited to a party for the priest who had preceded me at St. Ann’s. Father Ray was saying good-bye to his people. I’ll never forget he singled out Robert and he looked at Robert and he said, “Robert, thank you for being the conscience of Lake County.” I never forgot that. It was only last week that Father Ray came by, and he was going to help a celebration and he said, “Robert is the first prophet that I have ever met.” The first prophet. I wanted to add, in my book, he was the first martyr that I ever met, because Robert had a sincere table appetite for news and he would watch wanted_by_fbiall of Rush Limbaugh. Anybody who listens more than two seconds to Rush is definitely a martyr. I remember walking Downtown Baldwin. It’s not very big, and I seen this character on the main street. And he had this funny helmet on, with this red light bulb on top. It was flashing, and he had four-sided sandwich board, not two sided. And I walked up and it was Robert. He was protesting the local rag because it refused to print his letter to the editor. Guess what? The letter was printed the next week. I remember going to one of my first meetings involved with a new superintendent, and Robert was there, voicing his displeasure with the counselors of the high school because they were not reaching the needs of our youth in that county. I remember going to courthouse and sometimes supporting people I knew that were on trial, and Robert was there. He was there much more often than I was, and much more vocal… standing up for victims of an unjust system To me, Robert truly was Prophet. When I was a child, I always thought of Prophet as someone who foretold the future. Robert did that. But the main job of a prophet, as I’m growing up, is to speak out against injustice; whether it was Isiah or Jeremiah called by God to speak to the Jewish people. And he mentioned they were killed, but that was their job. Whether it was Ghandi who answered the call in India, or Nelson Mandela in South Africa. But it was Robert Williams who answered the call in Monroe, NC. He answered the call to speak out against the unjust system and people that would not let children swim in a pool because they happened to be a different color. He spoke out against the injustice that would allow a man to protect his wife, his children, his property. And even though he was exiled, he spoke, from Cuba, and as far away as China, against the injustice of the system that would not allow someone to be free. I believe that God gave us the gift of Robert Williams to challenge us to be Prophet, and if not to be Prophet, to

Robert and Mabel Williams.
Robert and Mabel Williams.

support prophets. I really believe that. I believe that we need to answer the call to continue to speak out against racism and sexism… and maybe when we do, people of different cultures and races can get together and share food and laugh together, cry together, but especially learn to dream together. We need to speak out against the injustice of violence and war. An exorbitant amount of our tax money is spent to create the largest military operation in the whole world. And maybe when we speak out against the injustice, there will be money to teach our children to take care of our elderly and to protect our land. We need to speak out against the injustice of greed. There’s a greater chasm now between the rich and the poor.. we’re losing our middle class. And maybe when we continue to reach out and speak against the injustice, all of God’s children will be able to enjoy the gifts from God. We come here today to say thank you for the gift of Robert who answered the call to be Prophet. I will never forget (and I really believe that Mabel is Prophetess, right along with Robert), I will never forget on the day that Robert died. Mabel and I were praying over him, and afterwards, she said these marvelous words, “He really did make a difference.”

To read more about Robert Williams In Memory of Robert F. Williams

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A Persistent Memory


male_model_2male_modelFor several years after we moved to this house, a scene from my past would come to me every time I was getting ready to brush my teeth.  I would see a couple that modeled for my life drawing class. he was white, short with longish, almost white, blond hair.  She was black, brown skinned with an afro.  We were at a small demonstration on campus. Their two daughters, in my memory they were about 8 and 6 with curly afros, coloring between their parents. The woman and I smile at each other. And then the scene is gone.


Raining – Sepia Saturday 185

As of July 8, 2013 Atlanta has had the rainest year on record. We’ve already had more rain than we had during all of 2012. It’s been raining almost everyday for weeks. And rain is predicted for the rest of this week. The drought is definitely over, for now anyway.

Granddaughter Kylett walking down our driveway in the rain June 2010.

This was written by my daughter Ayanna after our move from rural Mississippi to the small city of Excelsior Springs, MO. She was about 8 and it was 1984. An edited version appears below.

rainingAyanna            Ayanna

I would like it to stop raining.    
      I have to do my route in it.

School shorter and no home work.
    There’s not enough time in 24 hours for 6 hours of school and homework.

Move back to Mississippi.
     I know more people there.

get more money on my route a week.
    I have 43 newspapers and get paid only $10.

have summer longer 
  you can do more, like swimming.

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Poppy – The Worker

While looking for summer photographs, I came across this photograph of my grandfather Graham and this poem by Edgar A. Guest that my my grandmother Graham saved in her scrapbook.

Mershell “Shell” Graham.Taken in 1962, Milford, MI. on Old Plank Road.
From my grandmother Fannie’s scrapbook. “That’s my Shell” 1-25-59.

A shot for Malcolm X

Dr. Evans and Malcolm X, Detroit Feb. 14, 1965 (James D. Wilson Photo courtesy Paul Lee)

This is a photograph of my uncle Dr. Evans giving Malcolm X a shot for exhaustion when he arrived in Detroit in 1965 to speak at an Awards program, after his house had been firebombed. I was a freshman at Wayne State University. I did not go to hear him this time. I can remember no good reason. I had some school work?  My father, Rev. Albert B. Cleage Jr. gave the invocation before Malcolm X’s speech.

My sister Pearl did attend and she remembers it like this:

“I did go to this speech. Malcolm looked exhausted and worried. We were worried for him and for his wife, Betty, and their children. When things like that fire bombing happened, they always made me worry about my father. being the child of an activist parent makes you proud, but scared for their safety. whew. lots of memories came with this one…”

My friend, historian Paul Lee, contextualizes the photograph of Malcolm X getting a shot below in an email dated Jan. 25, 2004.

Click on the photographs to enlarge. Ford program scans courtesy Christopher Chatman.

Afro-American Broadcasting Program1bDear Kris,

As promised, please find attached a scan of an image of your aunt Gladys’s late husband, Dr. E. Warren Evans, administering a sedative to Malcolm X during the early afternoon of Sunday, 14 Feb. 1965.

It was shot in Malcolm X’s room at the old Statler Hilton Hotel when he visited Detroit to deliver what turned out to be his “Last Message,” as the posthumously-released long-playing record of it was titled by attorney Milton Henry, his good friend, who taped it.

At the time, Henry was the president of the Afro-American Broadcasting Program2aAfro-American Broadcasting and Recording Company and, along with his brother Richard Henry, was a leader of the militant Group on Advanced Leadership (GOAL).   He invited Malcolm X to Detroit to receive an award at the “First Annual Dignity Projection and Scholarship Awards” ceremony, which was held at Ford Auditorium on the city’s waterfront.

You will note that the exhausted-looking Malcolm X is wearing an open-neck sweater instead of his traditional white shirt and thin straight tie.   This is because his home had been firebombed by Elijah Muhammad’s Nation of Islam at around 2:45 that morning and, as he noted in his talk, most of his clothes had been damaged 65-2-17, Detroit FBI to Bureau1by the smoke.

Malcolm X, who was then the president of the black nationalist and Sunni Islamic Muslim Mosque, Inc.  (MMI) and chairman of the pan-Africanist Organization of Afro-American Unity (OAAU), was assassinated almost precisely one week later.


When Malcolm X made his last visit to the city, the Detroit FBI office decided to let the local spooks do the heavy lifting.   They had at least one good reason for doing so:    The cops had the advantage of using 65-2-17, Detroit FBI to Bureau2“black” undercover agents and Malcolm X, unlike Dr. King, usually moved in all-“black” circles.

Of course, the anti-“black” Hoover refused to hire and

train “black” agents until the escalating pace of the civil-rights and black-power movements, along with pressure applied by his intelligence-hungry superiors,  forced him to do so.d


Following are excerpts from the 17 Feb. 1965 summary of the report made by local police, which 65-2-17, Detroit FBI to Bureau3they provided to Special Agent Thomas J. Robinson, who handled “racial matters,” including black nationalists.   Presumably, it was Robinson who was responsible for surveilling and attempting to undermine your father, who was then still known as the Rev. Albert B. Cleage, Jr.

It is unclear WHICH department provided the intelligence–that is, the city or state police–because the Freedom of Information and Privacy acts (FOI/PAs), which compel the release of government documents, also allow certain “exemptions,” including,  amazingly, “personal privacy”–which protects their officials, agents and snitches from being revealed–and “confidential” or “national security” sources, such as the police and other intelligence agencies:

“On 2/14/65, at approximately 11:30 AM, [passage withheld on confidential-source grounds, but it refers to the Detroit Police Department, which escorted]  MALCOLM LITTLE from the city limits of Detroit to the Statler Hilton Hotel where he registered in room 638…

“About this time, [name withheld on personal-privacy grounds, but MILTON HENRY] became concerned about LITTLE’s health and he called for the services of a  [name withheld, but DR. EVANS,] who arrived [passage withheld] and administered a sedative to MALCOLM LITTLE.   After the drug was administered MALCOLM became very drowsy and incoherent for the remainder of the day.

“At approximately 4:00 PM on 2/14/65, MALCOLM LITTLE was awakened to be interviewed by a news crew from WXYZ-TV.   During the remainder of the day and to approximately one-half hour before his speech, he slept” (SAC [Special Agent in Charge], Detroit FBI [by Special Agent Thomas J. Robinson] airtel [air telegram] to Director, FBI, “Afro-American Broadcasting and Recording Company, Detroit, Mich.;  Racial Matters,” Feb. 17, 1965, in FBI headquarters file on Malcolm K. Little, 100-399321-not recorded,  but after serial 228.

By the way, this report tends to confirm that, several hours before Malcolm X spoke (around 10:00 that evening), the effects of the sedative had abated.  After all, he couldn’t have given an interview to Channel 7 that afternoon if he was still “incoherent.”

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Belle Isle – Summer 1922

“Belle Isle. Grandma Graham – Mary Virginia – Clifton – Mershell Jr + Fan

This photograph was taken about two years after the one of my grandmother Fannie at Sugar Island. Grandma Graham was my grandfather, Mershell Graham’s adopted mother. Mary Virginia was born in April 1920 so she would be 2. Clifton was the son of my grandfather’s adopted brother, Clifton.  Mershell Jr was born in June of 1921 so he must be about 1 year old. My mother was born in February, 1923 so my grandmother may have been just pregnant with her here.  The park tables and benches are so unanchored. They are all cement now.

Sugar Island July 3, 1919

“Sugar Island Group” My grandmother, Fannie Mae Turner Graham is lounging in the middle front. She had moved to Detroit with my grandfather in 1918 after their marriage in Montgomery, AL.

Sugar Island is a small island in the Detroit River between Grosse Ile and Boblo Island. Sugar Island is part of Grosse Ile Township, Wayne County, Michigan, USA, and lies about 0.5 miles (0.80 km) west of the border with Canada. Currently the island is uninhabited and was recently converted to wildlife refuge by the US Fish and Wildlife service (see below). The majority of the island is wooded and it is known for its white sandy beaches and easy access by boat.” From Wikepedia

More of the Sugar Island Group.
“The A.A.O.C. Club Bunch (I don’t know what the initials stand for_
“Dinner On Sugar Island.”
Sugar Island Photos