Category Archives: Wordless Wednesday

The first dollhouse doll – Wordless Wednesday
Bigger Photos!
Yesterday I received a very important hint in the comment section from Angella Lister of 37 Paddington. She suggested that I post my photographs larger. I responded that I had tried but they would overlap the other column if I made them x-large. She pointed out that I could make the columns wider by going to design/columns. Voila, bigger columns and bigger photos! I’ve spent today going back to older posts and enlarging the photographs. I love it!
Albert B. Cleage, Sr 1883 – 1957
Louise and Ronnie
Charlie Lee and Annie Lee Pope
Twins Annie Lee and Charlie Lee Pope in Montgomery, Alabama. They were born February 8, 1903 so I would guess this was taken sometime before 1910. Their parents were Robert and Beulah (Allen) Pope. They were my grandmother’s first cousins. This photo is from the collection of my cousin Ruth Pope Hatcher.
My parents about 1943
Doris Graham Cleage and Albert B. Cleage, Jr at the Meadows in Michigan.
To see more exciting photos about cows, expositions and other facinating topics, click Sepia Saturday.