The Grahams 100 Years Ago

Last week I realized it was 102 years since my mother Doris Graham Cleage was born on February 12, 1923 in Detroit, Michigan. When I read the Saturday Night Genealogy Fun theme was your family 100 years ago. I decided to do it. Click on the links for more information. Click on the photographs to enlarge them.

The Grahams, maybe Belle Isle park, Detroit, 1925 Left is my grandfather Mershell C, Graham holding my mother Doris. My grandmother Fannie Turner Graham is holding my uncle Mershell C. Graham Jr and my aunt Mary V.

My grandfather came to Detroit from Montgomery, Alabama in 1917. In 1919 he went back and married my grandmother and they returned to Detroit. By 1925 they had been there six years. They had three children, all born in Detroit, Mary V. (5), Mershell Jr (4) my mother Doris (2).

6638 Theodore Street, Detroit, Michigan

Mershell and Fannie bought a frame house at 6638 Theodore on the east side of Detroit when my mother was on the way. Fannie’s mother and her two sister’s came up from Montgomery and moved in with them. In 1925 all three worked at Annis Furs.

"Jennie Annis Furs"
Staff at Annis Furs. My great grandmother Jennie Turner is on the far right, middle row. Next to her is her daughter Alice. Aunt Daisy is right in the center of that middle row, #4.

My grandfather worked at the Highland Park Ford Plant as an inspector. My grandmother didn’t work outside of the home after her marriage. My aunt Mary V. at five, would have been attending half day kindergarten at Thomas Elementary school, several blocks from their house.

They were active members of Plymouth Congregational Church where my grandfather Mershell had been a founding member. They didn’t have a car. They walked or traveled by streetcar.


The Land of Hope – Mershell Graham’s move to Detroit
Eliza’s Children Move North – my great grandmother and her siblings moving north from Montgomery.

6 thoughts on “The Grahams 100 Years Ago

  1. I love these stories! My grandparents came to Detroit from Mexico in 1920 where my grandfather was recruited to Ford. By 1930, they had six children. Repatriation to Mexico interrupted their lives in the Motor City but they returned by 1932. Perhaps our families were parallel neighbors.

    1. I know we lived on Oregon when the highway came through there, taking the best houses and as I recall, your grandfather was in the area too and had to move for the second time because of those highways.

      Our stories are so similar. And yet we usually have no idea this is the case.

  2. How interesting to consider, and I went over to Genea-Musings blog to learn what he’s doing. I haven’t touches anything ancestry-related for quite a while. I’ve missed seeing your well written blog and beautiful photographs of your ancestors and family.

    1. I’ve been researching the people in my great grandmother Jennie’s community back during Reconstruction, those born each side of the Civil War. Eventually I’ll write them up. I was glad I saw this prompt so I’d write something!

    1. I’m glad you wrote yours because that’s how I found out about it. Trying to figure out if I’m going to do the A to Z this year. Would like to do posts like this but haven’t figured that out.

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