This year am finally going to write about the Edelweiss Club of Montgomery, Alabama.
This will be my eleventh year participating in the A to Z Challenge. I am going to present the lives of some of those women as my A to Z theme.
Who were the members of the Edelweiss Club? They were thirty seven women who attended the monthly meetings, starting January 12, 1918 and continuing monthly during the school year until May 3, 1919. Thirty of them were teachers. One was a seamstress. Three worked in family businesses. The majority of the members were single. Most married as time went on. Some moved out of town. A good number never married.
Their parents were born in the mid 1850s to the 1870s and would have been teenagers when slavery ended or were born during Reconstruction. All of them came from literate homes. Most of their parents owned their homes. Some owned them free and clear. Others were mortgaged. Their fathers tended to work for themselves as barbers, carpenters and plasterers. Bertha Loveless’ father was an undertaker. Madge Brown’s father was a farmer. Alberta Boykin’s father was a mail carrier. Several lived with their widowed mother or an aunt. At least two were from out of town and boarded. Most had multiple siblings.
There were no more reported meetings after May 3, 1919.

Pleased to see you returning for the 2024 challenge and looking forward to learning more about the club and its members.
Glad you are back again too. I better start writing.
Looking forward to loving and learning.
I hope you enjoy the series!
Stopping in to take a look at your theme and wish you a happy March and a wonderful April. Can’t wait to read more during April! ♥
What a club! That many members! And they lasted just that long, and then were done. You’ve definitely got my attention!
They weren’t all at every meeting. That would have really been a crowd since they met at each other’s houses.
Oh, my, how elegant those portraits of the women are! I will look forward to learning about the club and the women.
Most are from my grandmother’s album. I wish I had asked her about them. I’m sure there are stories there that don’t appear in the records.
But what a wonderful thing to have these photographs. I think of all the questions I would have asked my grandmother had I seen her album while she was still alive!
I’m looking forward to this, Kristin. I’m sure you’ll bring each one of them alive for us. What a noble heritage! I wonder what all their grand, great-grand, and great-great-grandchildren are doing today. . .
I was able to trace some down to present day descendants, but I won’t be writing about them.
Sounds interesting!
Ronel visiting for Theme Reveal for A to Z Blogging Challenge 2024
Thanks for the visit Ronel. I like your badges for this years Challenge.
Ooh, exciting! I am already curious. Interesting time period, and interesting group of people 🙂 Welcome back to the challenge!
The Multicolored Diary
Thanks! Looking forward to following your theme too.
Sounds like an interesting group of women
They were!
You’ve been teasing us with this theme for a while, so I look forward to finally learning about it!
A-Z Challenge: Magical Botany
I better start writing!
I am so excited for you, Kristin! You’ve worked so much at this project. I can’t wait to read it! 🙂
Hoping it flows from my mind to my fingers to the blog!
sounds interesting.
FIngers crossed that it comes across that way!
That sounds like fascinating research. My mother was a member of a club in Pensacola, formed by her and her friends. They participated in social events and were covered by the local newspaper. You’ve inspired me to look further into this aspect of my mom’s life. Thank you! I look forward to reading your posts about the Edelweiss Club.
I found it really interesting to find out more about the friends of my grandmother’s youth.
Great theme choice for the A to Z challenge! Looking forward to the rest of your alphabet journey!
My topic (here: https://gritandgrace2015.blogspot.com/2024/03/atozchallenge-theme-announcement.html ) may not have as much appeal for everyone, but I’m going to give it a try ????
I look forward to following your blog during the challenge. I’m sure you have many interesting memories to share with us that will cover even the hard to do letters! Good luck!
I am so pleased you are finally returning to this theme. I was disappointed that you had to set it aside in 2020, but that was a tough time for us all. Looking forward to reading about these remarkable women!
The hardest part is deciding what information to cut out and still be able to give a picture of the women and time.
I look forward to reading your A to Z this year. You have chosen what I am sure will be a very interesting and informative topic.
I hope so! Trying to get more posts written before april
I’ve never heard of this club, but the topic sounds fascinating and I’m looking forward to learning about them!
I’m not surprised you haven’t heard of it. It was over 100 years ago when it was active for only a few years in Montgomery, Alabama.
Fantastic theme you’ve chosen for the A to Z challenge! Can’t wait to see what you have in store for the next letters of the alphabet.
Fantastic theme reveal! I can’t wait to explore your posts during the A to Z challenge in April. Wishing you all the best as you embark on this creative journey. Here’s a link to mine – https://hellfireandchaos.blogspot.com/2024/03/atozchallenge-theme-announcement.html
Thanks for commenting. Now back to writing up those posts!
Exciting theme reveal! I’m looking forward to following your A-to-Z journey throughout April. Best of luck with the challenge. I’ve restarted my blog and deleted all the old content since I’ve been away for about 10 years and am coming back with the A-to-Z Challenge, hopefully it’ll give me some blog theme motivation and some dedicated readers. My theme is here: https://illusionsofchaos.blogspot.com/2024/03/hello-again-atozchallenge-theme-reveal.html
Good luck with the challenge! Ten years !
Great choice of theme. I will be interested to come back and learn more about the club and US history.
I plan to use news items in my posts also. I hope you enjoy them.
I’ve added your blog to my follow list for the A to Z challenge and can’t wait to start reading.