Jennie Virginia Allen Turner was my maternal grandmother’s mother and Eliza’s daughter. This photo was taken about 1918, before my grandmother Fannie, married my grandfather. They lived in Montgomery, Alabama.
Jennie was a widow and was a seamstress, working for herself. Fannie managed her Uncle Victor Tulane’s grocery store. Daisy was a teacher and Alice was at home.
After her marriage my grandmother moved to Detroit with her new husband, Mershell C. Graham. Several years later, the rest of the family joined them.

Graham-Turner Wedding
Jennie Virginia Allen Turner
Daisy Turner
Tulane’s Groceries
Such beautiful photos. I love them all!
Me too!
Lovely family photographs. I too wore blouses with Peter Pan collars and skirts with straps.
I wonder why they went out of fashion. They are so cute!