Homer Jarrett
9 Walnut St.
Hot Springs, Ark
2730 Kenwood Ave.
Indianapolis, In
March 10, 1905
Dear Homer;
Your letter, stamps and music were received o.k. and I am very grateful to you. Since I wrote to you I’ve learned that the song mentioned is quite old and Hugh seems to have whistled it in a very long time and heard it at the theater. I do not like it a bit less for all that. I think it very sweet and sad and mother likes it too.
I asked you when you were coming back and for answer you sent me 50 stamps. Do you mean to be away until they are used? If I should write each week, why they would last 12 months and one half. Do you mean to remain away that long Homer? In asking you that, I did not imply that you should pay me postage sir.
You spoke of the fire, Homer, well “my” paper said “The exact area burned over is 104 ½ acres” and also, “It is impossible to give a close estimate of the losses or the insurances. Probably a million dollars ($1,000,000) is not too high and may not be high enough. Insurance will not reach 50% of losses.”
The game of “Pit” is played with cards that resemble ordinary playing cards. All of the different grains are mentioned and worth from 35 to 100 points. The players try to corner all of one grain and when they do so they receive to their credit whatever it’s worth. The game has 500 points in all. Very interesting. Think you would like it. I did then.
You asked me whom or who accompanied me to Allen Chapel; well I will inform you “mother and Hugh.”
Have you heard from home and friends lately? How are your mother and brother?
Forgive me Homer and how are you? I forgot to ask. I am very well; and very busy just at present. Mother wanted to go to Benton Harbor this spring and I did not so, I think I’m big girl tho to remain at home. Have I tired you Homer with this stuff? I am sure I have. You must write and tell me all about yourself and mates and O everything. It is almost 11:30 P.M. and I am sleepy so just,
Good night
I looked for the song “Down on The Farm” on youtube, alas, I could not find it. I did find the sheet music, which I gather Homer sent and Pearl would have played on the piano, or the guitar.
Click the link for more about Harry Von Tilzer, the author of this and many popular songs.
Summer has been busy, but have finally had time to read through Pearl’s letters that you have posted so far. Fascinating correspondence with insightful historical references! And your illustrations really add to this treasure trove. Thank goodness Homer saved them all — perhaps indicating that he did not actually find Pearl was as “flighty” as he may have told her in his letters.
He seems to have saved every bit of correspondence he received, 100s of pieces. I am so glad he did!
What happened to Homer’s letters to Pearl? Do you or anyone in the family have them?
No. I don’t think she saved them. The letters end at the end of 1905. Several years later she met my grandfather and they were married in 1910. I have several boxes of letters that she received from family members and friends over the years, all of the letters my grandfather wrote her. None of Homer’s.