I don’t know who the bride and groom are. I only recognize my uncle Louis Cleage and the woman second from the right, Velma Payne. I miss being able to send these mystery photos to my aunts for identification. I wrote about Louis as one of the 7 in a boat.
Velma was born on August 4, 1919 and passed away in 2010 at the age of 90. She was the wife of George W. Payne. They had two children. She was a librarian in the Detroit Public Library system for 32 years. She was a librarian at the Oakman branch library when I used to go there as a child. I remember one evening going there after school with my mother and sister and finding the book “Bed knob and Broomstick: or How to be a Witch in 10 Easy Lessons.” It turned out to be one of my favorite books.
Not so wordless Wednesday Talks about Velma Payne and has a wedding portrait of George and Velma Payne.
Building Louis’ Cottages – Idlewild – A post about Louis’ cottage being built in Idlewild and mentions Velma’s brother-in-law, Paul Payne.

What a lovely wedding photo…I also miss the older generation help, who have passed away or have memories deficits, with genealogy mysteries.
I was looking through my photos this morning and came across another couple of wedding photos but none of them are labeled. I couldn’t find this particular one, which I hoped had been labeled but in my heart I know it wasn’t.
I miss being able to ask too. Good that you recognize a couple of the wedding party though.
That was me, btw. Didn’t mean to be anonymous!
That’s ok. You were a friendly anonymous 🙂
The gal on the far left doesn’t look quite as happy as the others? At first I though it might be because she felt stuck over there. But then I realized the ‘lineup’ must be Maid of Honor, Best Man, Groom, Bride, & Bridesmaids. And on closer inspection, she does appear to be at least smiling slightly. 🙂
Maybe it was the 10th photo and she was getting a bit tired.
Beautiful photo! I probably had contact with Veelma Payne. I used to walk from Dexter & Richton to the Oakman Branch every two weeks in the 1960’s. Where my love of reading began.
It was such a beautiful library too.
I wonder whether “Bed knob and Broomstick: or How to be a Witch in 10 Easy Lessons” has a happy end…
Yes it does. Not to ruin it in case you are going to read it but as I remember, the witch marries a local wizard. I will have to go see if I have the book around here and check. I used to have it. Our beds had knobs just like the ones in the book, but they did not turn and fly us away on adventures.
Lovely wedding line up. I would love to know what colours the attendants wore.
I never even thought about that! I just assumed they were all in sepia dresses 😀
I agree with Liz, it would have been good to know what colour those elegant bridesmaid dresses were. Might there have been description in a local paper?
There might have been one in the local black paper, The Michigan Chronicle(which doesn’t have an online archive), but without the name of the bride or groom or the date of the marriage, I don’t think I could find it. If the paper were online, I could try googling my uncle Louis and see if he popped up as best man.
The whole wedding party is so good looking! The long gloves add such an elegant touch.
Isn’t it interesting that none of them are looking at the photographer? I wonder if this was taken by a guest instead?
Maybe the photographer told them to look in that direction. It didn’t look like a guest taken photo.
It’s odd how men’s fashion gives a better indication of the era rather than the women’s. Bridal gowns seem almost timeless but double breasted wide lapel suits are more decade specific. The photographer probably used a flash and directed everyone to gaze away from the light so that they wouldn’t blink.
I think you are right about being directed to look in a different direction.
I think women’s wedding attire has changed a bit over time though.
Wedding photos always fascinate, even if the happy couple are unknown to us, especially so if the photo contains members of the family.
Definitely not a glum wedding party. The bride looks wonderfully happy and surrounded by happy attendants — and new husband. Very nice.