Dancing To The Jukebox – 1956

dance_chicago_basementA Central Congregational Church Youth Fellowship dance held in the basement of the parsonage at 2254 Chicago Blvd, Detroit. You can see the jukebox there, right under the clock.  I was too young at the time to go to Youth Fellowship, but at other times my sister and I went into the big, empty room with the pictures of the hunt on the wall as we roamed around the huge house.  Those Youth Fellowship members looked so grown t0 10 year old me. Now they look so, so young. Frozen in time.  Dancing to the jukebox.

The Dells singing “Oh What A Night” from 1956.

2254 Chicago Blvd.
The Parsonage – 2254 Chicago Blvd.
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21 thoughts on “Dancing To The Jukebox – 1956

  1. The girl in the foreground was either ahead of her time or out of touch with teen fashions. She is wearing pants and flats while all the other girls have tight skirts and bobby sox.

    1. I think I see two other girls in slacks, but they have on socks. The girl in the couple to the far left and the girl in checked slacks toward the middle.

  2. Church dances were where we learned and practiced some social etiquette. I love that this church group seems evenly divided — everyone had a partner.

    1. Or they didn’t show the people that were on the other side sitting it out. I don’t know if they were there or not, just could be.

  3. Oh yes, I now remember church youth groups…though we weren’t fortunate enough to do dances, we went bowling mostly. Those young people look really happy.

  4. There was some lovely dance music in the fifties. And you could always understand what the singer was saying ! And what a lovely big parsonage. So useful.

  5. Great to see a pic where someone is actually dancing to the Juke box. I never saw that in Oz.

  6. A lot of my World centered around church gatherings. This was neat with all the bobbysockers!

  7. The Parsonage is gorgeous. I love those windows.

    It’s like watching American Bandstand. All the young couples happily dancing, the girls with their bobby sox. I so wanted to be that age in the 50s. I assumed when I was a teen things would be just like this.

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