I posted the photograph on the left in 2010 in Wordless Wednesday – Mystery Couple. At the time I didn’t know who either of them were and wasn’t sure about the uniform he was wearing. By googling I found that it was a World War 1 army dress uniform.
I posted the photo on the left a couple of months ago in Theresa Pearl’s Birthday – March 10, 1919. My cousin was scanning and sending me old photographs and this was one of them. Although only one of the children was labeled I knew who the other was because of other photos. I think that is probably their mother.

Today I was looking on Ancestry.com trying to fill in some of the gaps and noticed there was a little waving leaf next to Uncle Hugh Reed’s brother-in-law, Clifford Edison Young. I decided to look and see what they had. There were several historical records, including a record of burial in the Los Angeles National Cemetery. It said that he was a Sergent in the United States Army during World War 1.
I thought of the photo of the mystery man in uniform immediately. I found the photograph and looked at it. I thought that the woman next to him looked like the woman with the two children – Blanche Young Reed. I am convinced that the soldier is Clifford but I’m not sure about the woman because Blanche had three younger sisters. Clifford was two years younger than she was and the three sisters were younger than they were. The sister in the picture looks younger than the soldier to me so I think that it was Nellie, Bessie or Elizabeth. Perhaps there is another picture that will turn up and completely solve the mystery.

A Good Bit Of Detective Work Kristin!
Thank you, thank you. (bowing)
How thrilling to solve a mystery, or at least part of it. It gives hope that you’ll be able to complete the story. Well done!
If I could just find one of Hugh and Blanche Reeds descendents!
Don’t you just love it when those little leaf things appear and a whole new window of possibilities opens up. Happy New Year Kristin.
Alan, I do! I just dislike it when they turn out to be sending me to someone’s family tree who got all their info and photos from my tree.
Good work Kirstin. I get frustrated with Ancestry when I get so far and then I have to pay to learn about someone related to me.
I have found some good information on the free site – Family Search https://www.familysearch.org/
I don’t mind paying on Ancestry because the other alternative would be to travel to places holding the records and that would cost even more.
How fun! I enjoy a good mystery too, just hearing the word mystery gets me fired up. Great photos too, and good detective work.
Great detective work, Kristin. I suspect that the single chevron on the soldier’s lower left sleeve means that he’s a lance-corporal, but this may of course be earlier in his service than the burial record suggests, which would be his final rank. A more detailed scan of the photograph might also show what the badges and medals are, further clues to his military service.
Brett, I tried scanning it at 600 but the original is just not good enough to show me any details about the uniform. Wondering if I could send for his record with just the information I do have.
Quite possibly, I’m just not familiar enough with US military records. I presume you have his WW1 Draft Registration Card from Ancestry?
I do. I will have to look and see what I need to do to order.
I will have to try that free site when I am looking for information. I don’t research my own family so don’t want to pay for information.
I have found some information on there that I couldn’t find on Ancestry in the past. Not so much now. They sometimes have scans of the actual documents, which is always nice.
Yeah! Great detective work. I’m always amazed how genealogical mysteries often eventually resolve themselves if I am persistent and patient.
you are getting so close to a resolution of the mystery. maybe having a tentative name will help crack the question fully.
It is such a great feeling to identify a mystery photograph. I love the huge bow in the little girl’s hair.
How wonderful, it’s moments like this that make it all worth while!
Julie, you are so right!
I love the facial expressions in the picture on the left – he so stern and she so playful. Good luck bringing this mystery to an end.
Thank you Kathy. I’m hopeful all will become clear in time.
They’re like bread crumbs, aren’t they? You just keep finding little pieces to keep you going down the path.
And hopefully the birds won’t eat them before I find the end!
I see you are still hard at work.
It’ll pay off in the end.
You’ll get your answer(s).
Happy New Year to you and your loved ones!!
Happy New year to you too! Always hard at work. But only at what I want to do 🙂
Hi Kristin! Happy New Year!
Don’t you love when those little waving leaves in Ancestry.com lead to somewhere unexpected, or solve a long-time mystery? It’s a thrill, isn’t it?
It’s amazing how excited we get whenever we get any little tidbit of information. I know anytime I do it sends me into a tizzy of research for hours! Good work!