The Murder of Howard Turner 1891

The Montgomery Advertiser, Montgomery, Alabama • Wed, Jul 1, 1891Page 2

Killed In Lowndes
Howard Turner of This City Killed at a Colored Folks Picnic.
Hayneville, June 30. -[Special.]-  Last Saturday the colored people had a picnic across Big Swamp near Hayneville. The result is Howard Turner, who came from Montgomery was killed by one Phillip McCall.  Too much whisky and too many pistols. Phillip surrendered this morning. 
The Weekly Advertiser (Montgomery, Alabama) Thursday, July 1, 1891 Page 2

We were always told that my grandmother Fannie Turner Graham’s father was killed at a barbecue when she was four years old. After years of being unable to find any documentation, I found this news item on several years ago.

Howard’s widow and children.

Jennie Allen Turner in mourning dress with daughters Daisy and Fannie. 1891.

“In Memory of My Husband Howard Turner who was instantly killed by Philip McCall June 27, 1891.

Vengence is mine, saith the Lord, I will repay.”

Yesterday while searching for more information about my great grandfather Howard Turner, I found this on in the Alabama, Surname Files Expanded, 1702–1981. It looks like it came from the cemetery. Is it the inscription on his grave stone?

I looked for and found the Hayneville Cemetery, but can find no entry for Howard Turner. I wish I could see that grave stone. Reading it gave me a whole new vision of my great grandmother. I can understand the anger expressed in this inscription.

10 thoughts on “The Murder of Howard Turner 1891

  1. Quite an inscription.

    Is it worth adding to FindAGrave and requesting a photo? Or do you think the grave has not survived?

        1. I hav been looking to see what happened to Philip McCall. Did he die an untimely death? Suffer some fitting disaster? So far I can’t even find that he went to prison.

    1. People keep reapeating that, but it’s not the first thing I thought of when I found the little notice in the newspaper talking about my great grandfather’s death.

  2. It’s crazy how 1) they used to write news stories, and 2) how little info was recorded about something that caused such and impact on a family for generations. I’m glad you found at least this much, and hope you can track down the rest.

    1. I do wonder what happened to Philip McCall and if my great grandfather is buried in Hayneville Cemetery and if what my great grandmother wrote is on his tombstone.

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