This is my ninth year of blogging the A to Z Challenge. Everyday I will share something about my family’s life during 1950. This was a year that the USA federal census was taken and the first one that I appear in. At the end of each post I will share a book from my childhood collection.

Mason, Merriam, Mr. Cleage Assail M’Carran Anti-Red Bill, Urge Veto
Opposition to the McCarran Communist-control bill and approval of President Truman’s veto of it were expressed on the radio yesterday by several citizens.
Calls it Undemocratic
Councilman Paul R. Mason called the bill “extremely detrimental to the entire structure of democracy. If in attempting to defeat communism, we employ undemocratic tactics, then democracy is the loser.”
Rev. Albert B. cleage, Jr, minister of St. John’s Congregational Church, said the Civil Liberties Union, NAACP, AFL and several church groups have denounced the bill.
Thornton W. Merriam, dean of Springfield College, said “my love for my country, it’s history and its ideals, prompts me to warn you (citizens of Western Massachusetts) that a great menace hovers over us all. This menace is the McCarran bill.”
Sees Bill Repressive
He called its provisions “repressive and undemocratic” foresees that the liberties “we have considered our birth right for 200 years” would be done away with.
The speakers urged that letters he sent Sens. Lodge and Saltonstall urging them to uphold the veto.

You can read more about this issue at this link McCarran Internal Security Act of 1950 (1950)
Oh my.. I did not know about this
Thank you for sharing
Hopping in from the A-Z community,
Thank you for commenting.
Bravo to your ancestor for taking a firm stand against the McCarthyite bill. Definitely one of the down sides of the 1950s. I remember my parents discussing Lucille Ball being red-baited during that period — something I didn’t understand at the time, but became all to familiar with as an activist in the 1960s.
It was my father who took the stand.
The more things change, the more they repeat themselves.
Ninth year… Wow that’s commendable! Thank you for sharing the story link. I plan to watch it with my daughter in a while.
Will soon visit your earlier posts, how did I miss this wonderful blog!!
I’m glad you enjoyed and will read more.
Very poignant…Pete Seeger is my hero through all this red-baiting.
A great theme for the A to Z blog.
Thank you and thanks for commenting.
Kristin, I am so enjoying your clippings, pics, and memories. I did not know the specifics of the McCarren Act , and now I want to know even more. Thank you for the enlightening look at 1950.
There is a lot of information out there.
Love the snow picture.
History has endorsed the Tev Cleage’s stance I think
Yep. Good to be on the right side of history.
Always good to be reminded, because this could happen again. I don’t personally believe socialism to be sustainable, but it is important to democracy that we not ostracize those who believe otherwise. Very true.
Love that pic of you on the sidewalk with the snow. You have some great older photos of you, forgot to mention the one of you on your porch with all your little dolls lined up. Such a classic.
Luckily I come from a picture taking family.