I came across this photo while looking for a picture for my cousin last night. I don’t remember seeing it before, although I must have because it’s in my box of Graham photographs.
Since the end of the April A-Z Challenge this year, I’ve been working on my grandfather’s migration story – his move from Montgomery, Alabama to Detroit, Michigan in 1917. The more I look, the more I find, much more than I had originally been looking for.
When I saw the prompt for Sepia Saturday this morning, it reminded me of the picture of my grandfather in the garden and I decided to post it while I continue to work on putting together his larger story.
Nice post mommy, is Poppy wearing a button down shirt and vest while working in the garden?
He always wore shirts with buttons, never t-shirts. The collar isn’t buttoned down though. And the pants are very wrinkled, not dress pants. The vest also looks like a work vest. But what is he holding in his hand? Something for Dee Dee, a hankerchief?
thank you for sharing old interesting photos…
I always enjoy finding a new photo.
One photograph is often enough to spark powerful: memories and tell a family story. A lovely image of Poppy and Dee Dee and it matches this week’s prompt so well.
My method is usually less is enough.
It looks a lovely summer day. Perhaps your grandfather has just picked a plant? Harvest or weed maybe.
It does. And being the summer of 1946, it was about time for me to be born over in Springfield. Looking at the size of the plants – cabbage? collards? it was probably not too far along in the summer.
I blew up the photo a bit and it looked like a piece of fabric, perhaps a handkerchief.
A perfect fit for this weekend. I vote for a lettuce leaf in your grandfather’s hand. Something mythical about stories of grandfathers and vegetable gardens.
I don’t think he grew lettuce, cabbage though. Looks more like fabric. I should add a close up.
A perfect “fit” for the prompt and a lovely photo of your cousin and her Poppy…a special memory.
She looks kind of worried, but still good photo.
Looking at old photos, I’m always struck by how formal dress codes used to be. Migration stories are something I’m super moved by. All the best as you dig out and build this one.
Thanks Nilanjana. At first I was starting in Detroit but I decided I had to go back to Montgomery and that’s where I am now.
Great photo of Poppy and your adorable little cousin, Dee Dee! A great match for the prompt photo.
A perfect picture to match the prompt! My husband called his maternal grandfather “Poppy”, but then I suppose many use that appellation for their grandfathers. Still – “Poppy” made me smile. 🙂
I never knew there were so many Poppys!
My grandfather was also Poppy. And he could do anything. Build a house, fix a car, grow a garden, tell great jokes! This was a perfect photo for the prompt
My Poppy could fix anything, build simple furniture grow a garden, raise chickens and more!
How true that the more we look, the more we find. There are so many layers to the stories of our ancestors. I look forward to future posts about Poppy’s migration story.
And think of all the layers we won’t ever know!