Homer Jarrett
426 Muskingun St. City
2730 Kenwood Ave.
November 11, 1904
Mr. Jarrett,
Dear friend,
your letter was received, of course and I was a little disappointed to learn that you would be unable to visit us for so long, but if McFadden advises it I am sure it is for the best. I shall expect to see a wonderful change in you, whenever we do meet, so much so that I shall feel like an insignificant, little minx beside you. I should so like to see you just as near perfection as is possible, Homer, truly.
We wanted you with us Thanksgiving, but I suppose that is impossible also. I think that Minnie will be home Xmas and we should like to have you out then if you could come. You want news but I know very little just now. It is near nine o’clock and I am going to cease worrying you, for I know that you are tired of this stuff, are you not?
Listen! I do not wish to interfere with your Culture Laws, Homer, so if you think it best, I shall not expect an answer from this, for a long time. I am following the instructions in the book which you sent but I do not expect to be perfect for it is not in me.
To read all of MacFadden’s book, click this link ->Physical Culture
I always enjoy reading “self-help” articles and books. The language and focus has changed some across the years, but there are some enduring tidbits of wisdom in this article.