Homer Jarrett
426 Muskingun St. City
2730 Kenwood Ave.
November 8, 1904
Mr. Jarrett,
Homer, the book and enclosed letter were received and noted. They were a pleasant surprise and I am truly grateful to you and them. I do not deserve so much kindness and generosity.
I did not hear Mr. McFadden’s lecture, although I had built great hopes on doing so. I am glad to hear that you attended it, and would be delighted if you would come out and tell me more about it and him. Will you?
I have been nurse and housekeeper for almost a month, for mother had another attack of lung trouble and we were greatly troubled lest we might lose her. She is much better now and sends you her best regards.
Thanking you again for the book and hoping to see you soon
I remain,
Yours Gratefully,
Pearl D. Reed
Interesting that it was not yet a ‘given’ that programmed exercise promoted general health.
I supose that as labour became more seditary , health declined. More power to Mr Macfadden’s elbow!
Wonder what became of Mr. McFadden?
Here is “The True Story” of his life https://www.americanheritage.com/content/true-story-bernard-macfadden