While looking for news stories about my ancestors, I came across this little item at newspapers.com. Mershell C. Graham was my maternal grandfather. I do not imagine that he went to the play. I wonder if he even saw this announcement and how they came to pick him.
Mershell C. Graham
6638 Theodore, Detroit
You have won two free tickets to “Once Upon A Mattress” at the Shubert Theatre. Call Miss Lee at Classified Advertising, The Free {ress, WO 2-9400, extension 13, between 8:30 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Monday.
The Detroit Free Press, 1960
The play was an adult version based on the fairy tale, The Princess and The Pea For an over view of the musical, click -> Once Upon A Mattress.
Other posts about Mershell C. Graham
Poppy Could Fix Anything
Mershell’s Notebook
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Poppy The Worker
Poem for Poppy
Why didn’t they call him on the phone?
I guess phone calls from businesses weren’t so common in 1960.
It’s a funny musical with lots of good songs. Do you think he’d have enjoyed it? I think newspapers’ classified advertising departments used to choose winners for such contests from the paper’s subscribers. A test to get people to read the fine print.
I don’t think so. I don’t remember him going to a movie or the theatre. Any place but church and church activities. Wish someone was around that I could ask.
A shame if he didn’t see the play. I saw it a few years ago performed by one of our local theatre groups. It was hilarious fun and well done.
I don’t remember him ever finding anything laugh loud and hilarious funny. He smiled and was pleasant but hilarious? I don’t remember that.
I thought you were going to tell us that Mershell died before he could use his free tickets! If he’d seen the notice perhaps he would have gone, just to experience something new, and he must have entered the competition or draw somehow, unless a relative such as a granddaughter put his name in for it.
Pretty sure no daughters or granddaughters put his name in the draw 🙂
What a nice surprise for him.
Interesting to find that Promo coupon now…and not have any way to chase down the cause/reaction. I believe you knew him well enough to guess pretty accurately the outcome. The theatre didn’t put it’s efforts into decoration on the outside, but it had some ornate details inside. There are so few of those old theaters kept up and used these days. A loss of beautiful architecture.
Even if it wasnt his sort of thing I wonder if he would have enjoyed the thought of being ‘a winner’ ?
I don’t know but I would have, had I known. In fact, I do now.