Homer Jarrett
426 Muskingun St. City
230 Kenwood Ave.
December 1, 1904
Mr. Jarrett;
Homer your sarcastic letter was received. I am glad the mistake was mine and that my poor letters give you something to laugh and make fun of. Will you please forget that errand of Mercy?
It is too bad that you have to work on Sundays. Do you mind it? If you do, I sympathize with you. Do you like this place better than the other?
If nothing happens to prevent it, I shall visit my church Sunday eve. We had a letter from Minnie yesterday. They are all well and send their love to you. The baby Arthur walks now.
I shall cease writing now for it is time to prepare supper.
Hoping to see you Sunday Eve, I remain
Yours Sincerely,
Pearl D. Reed
Arthur Mullins records say he was born September 6, 1904, 1905 or even 1901(marriage record), however if he’s walking in December of 1904, it’s unlikely he was born 3 months earlier or in the next year. His three older siblings were born in 1899, 1900 and 1901. His next sibling was born in 1906. Which just goes to show, records can be wrong.