In February, 1940 my mother entered Wayne University. She received a full scholarship from the Detroit Board of education and a scholarship from the Delta Sorority for an an additional $100.
How much did it cost to attend Wayne in 1940? For residents of Wayne County, which my mother was, tuition for a full time student was $50. There was a $10 fee for entering freshmen. Textbooks would have been $5 or under.
When I went to Wayne from 1964 to 1968, tuition came to about $300 a year. Text books were still about $10. By the time my daughter attended during the 1998 – 1999 school year, tuition and fees were $3,708 a year. She says one book could cost $50. All of us lived at home and commuted, so had no housing costs.
My granddaughter Sydney, who is a freshman at Georgia State University and lives on campus. She could hardly believe these numbers. I just looked and tuition and housing this year, is over $20,000.
Wow, times sure have changed. Today college is so expensive and so many young people leave college with astronomical debts.
When I went to Wayne from 1964 to 1968, tuition went from $96 per quarter to $104 per quarter which came to about $300 a year. Text books were still about $10 or so. By the time my daughter attended during the 1998 – 1999 school year, tuition and fees were $3,708 a year. She says one book could cost $50.
This shows just how significant her scholarship was!
Yes. The Board of Education Scholarship would have covered all the tuition and the extra money from the Deltas would have covered the cost of books and bus fare and perhaps even some clothes. I think she worked in her cousin’s newspaper office in the summers.