“A Merry Xmas to you all. Here are some roses for your parting of 1915. Your little niece, Theresa P Reed. Age 1 yr. 9 months Dec. 1915.”
I had this colorized at MyHeritage in Color. The first on on the left is the one they colorized. The one in the middle is the original photograph with the flowers colorized by me. The one on the right is the MyHeritage colorization after I recolored the roses.
Theresa Pearl was born in March 10, 1913 in Indianapolis Indiana. She was the third child of Hugh and Blanche Celeste Reed. Hugh was my grandmother Pearl Reed Cleage’s brother
Theresa’s middle name, Pearl, was after my grandmother, Pearl. That is probably why there are more photographs of her in the family photo collection than any of the other children.
By 1928 the family had moved to Los Angeles, California where Hugh changed the family name to Averette (his father’s last name) and they began passing for white. In 1930 Theresa was a 17 year old student living with her family in Los Angeles California. She was identified by her nickname “Tut”.
https://sepiasaturday.blogspot.com/2022/08/sepia-saturday-635-20-august-2022.htmlAbout 1932 Theresa married Bennett Shaffer. Both of them had completed 2 years of college. Their daughter, Betty Jeanne, was born in 1934. Their son, Bennett Shaffer Junior, was born in 1935. The family lived in Los Angeles.
In 1940 Theresa and her family were lived in Glendale, California. Theresa and her husband, Bennett, were both 27 years old. Bennett worked as distribution manager for a daily newspaper. Six year old Betty Jeanne was attending school. Bennett was only four and too young for school.
Theresa Pearl Averret Shaffer died in 1941 at age 28. She is buried at Forest Lawn Memorial Park Cemetery in Glendale, California. Bennett died the following year.
I like the different colorizations. I’ll check out that site.
They did the first the second two were me messing around. It does some intereting things!
I keep meaning to try colorization, but have never got round to it. It is such a lovely photograph of Theresa and so sad that she died at an early age, leaving a young family motherless.
That’s a lovely portrait and certainly a good choice for colorizing. Funny how an algorithm gets confused with flowers and turns them into mush. Yours is much better.
It must have been hard when both Theresa and then her husband died at such a young age so close together. What happened to their two children?
They were raised by their paternal grandparents.
I find the third version (with pink roses) looking a lot more harmonious than the first one!
My thoughts too!
I have never tried colorizing. It does add a different perspective. And the third one is definitely better than the first – where she appears to be holding a jumble of who knows what. Sad that she died so young.
I’m glad to see that you have made a return to Sepia Saturday!
I prefer the sepia photos, but sometimes I do mess around with colorization.
I will post on Sepia Saturday when I have a different photo to share or some different information about a photo I shared years and years ago. It’s not so time consuming as it used to be when so many people participated!
All the pictures of my great aunt Theresa as a child are beautiful, with or without the color. Great grandma Blanche Celeste and grandma Anna (her sister) grieved and missed her terribly up until the day they died. My chosen name at confirmation was St. Theresa, I’m so happy I was drawn to that name, her name. Always enjoy following your blog, glad I found you again! Best, Margaret
I am too! Yes, all the photos I’ve seen of Theresa were beautiful. Her early death was such a tragic loss.