Politics – Earliest Memories 1952

Week 46. Politics. What are your childhood memories of politics? Were your parents active in politics? What political events and elections do you remember from your youth?

My sister  and I – 1952

My first memory of politics is the 1952 presidential campaign.  My parents supported Adlai Stevenson and I remember waking up the day after the election and asking who won.  I was quite disappointed when I found it was not Stevenson.  

For more about my family and politics, click on these – 1965 Cleage for Congress and Elections Past.

5 thoughts on “Politics – Earliest Memories 1952

  1. As soon as I saw the topic for this week, I couldn't wait to see what you would post. You didn't disappoint.

  2. What I remember? My mom occasionally worked for the Liberal party here, but I never had a good feeling about those folks. Still the same today…
    But my mother's convictions were questionable as she always claimed to have won her elections, always voting for the right guy, even when it switched to the separatist party. She suddenly wasn't a liberal anymore… I like people with a little more conviction, for better and for worst. She seemed opportunistic in my opinion…
    Oh well!! I didn't follow into her footsteps.

  3. One thing you can say about my family, they didn't switch in midstream or cling to the winners. some families dance at family gatherings, mine talked and talked and then talked some more.

  4. And surely they didn't discuss trivialities, which is even more interesting and relevant.

  5. You and your sister were adorable!!!! Gosh, I can certainly say that I wasn't aware of politics, as young as you and your sister were. At your ages in this photo, I was probably outdoors playing with dolls and making mud pies – LOL! But my full awareness of politics came much later as a teen when my father along with 2 of his co-workers filed a discrimination lawsuit against Armco Steel (a suit that 5 black workers filed against them back in 1956) that they won during the mid 1970's. Again, your photo is EXCELLENT!

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