My father, then Rev. Albert B. Cleage Jr, me, my mother Doris Graham Cleage, my step-father and uncle Henry Cleage. Summer of 1966.
Sitting on the couch, braiding my hair with my mother and sister Pearl. 1963. My son James walking across the room summer of 2017.
I had just come in from the Association of Black Students’ Symposium at Wayne State in February of 1968.

Other posts about 5397 Oregon.
Detroit Then and Now – Other then and now photographs
“O” is for Oregon Street – Memories of living in the house on Oregon.
Amazing! I’m almost scared to ask how you did this! That was a nice trip down memory lane.
I use photoshop, using the layers and transform tools. It was amazing how many photographs my son James, Paul Lee and Sala took that were from the same angle as my old photos.
i love your then and nows.
Me too. I wish I could do them for all the old home places.
These pictures are amazing!
Thank you so much❤
Thank you ❤
I’m glad I had a photo of Barbara that worked for this project.
Wonderful effects. I’ve been looking for an image viewer to embed into a blog that lets you shift from one overlay photo to another. Have yet to find an easy (and free) one that will work.