This photograph was taken of me and my husband shortly before we moved from Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina to rural Simpson County, Mississippi, far from the Ocean and the beach. You can read more about our life in Mt. Pleasant at this link, S is for Sixth Avenue, Mt. Pleasant, SC. To learn more about the Isle of Palms, click this link, Isle of palms, South Carolina (Wipkipedia)

Great shot, and you both look very happy. We really don’t get that effect of the water being a long way out at low tide here in Australia.
That’s interesting. Why don’t you?
I’m not sure, and I was probably generalising a bit, ie. talking about the beaches I know in Southeastern Australia. I think they may be more tidal in Northern Australia, but at ocean beaches like Bondi for example, low tide just means calmer water and flatter waves and that the water’s edge is a few metres further out, but not very much more than that.
There are very big tides in northern Australia but not in the south-east. You can tell the difference between high and low tide but we don’t have the dramatic tidal flat that we see in your picture.
I had to look up where Isle of Palms Beach is, off Charleston, SC ..somehow I’ve heard the name, but didn’t remember why…and it’s one of my friends’ favorites. That’s a great photo of you all!
I’ve added a link to more information about the Isle of Palms.
I too was intrigued by the Isle of Palms and also looked it up via Google. I was particularly intrigued by the structure in the far distance on your photo which I guess was a pier – the other photos I have found of Isle of Palms seem to support this.
Should have added the link to info earlier. yes, that is a long pier. People fished off of it.
A lovely smiley photo though it doesn’t quite look like swimming weather.
We lived about 15 minutes away and went to the beach often, swimming weather or not. It was fall so it wasn’t warm enough to swim.
What a lovely photograph of you and your husband. I lived not far from Southport in Lancashire and there was always a joke that you would have to walk a mile out on the beach to see the sea, it went so far out at low tide.
Some places at high tide there would be no beach because the water comes up so far.
Lovely photo of you both..so young and happy. I love seeing photos of how your love & friendship has continued over the decades.
I can confirm we do get massive tidal changes here in the north – I say to the grandkids someone pulled the bath plug out. It’s quite amazing to see the contrast between high and low tide. The others are right about the eastern and southern parts of Oz.
Yes, looking at this photo makes me realize how long ago it was and how young we were.
I know Mt. Pleasant and Isle of Palms and always try to visit the Sullivan’s Island beach when I get down to Charleston. The sea islands of the Atlantic coast are a national treasure, but sadly many like Hilton Head Island have been lost to gross over development. My favorite place is Tybee Island at mouth of the Savannah River. It still has lots of charm and few crowds.
We’re planning to go over to Tybee in September. When we lived in Mt. Pleasant, the Sea Islands had not been developed. Those were the days.
It may have been cool but, judging by the shadows, it was a sunny day.
Why do we humans love seeing or being close to water so much?
It was sunny. We spend our first 9 months in water, maybe that’s why.
A perfect beach to go clamming!