As I went through photographs of vehicles trying to decide which to use for the stagecoach prompt, I finally remembered that I did have a stagecoach photograph in my Cleage family photographs. I used this before along with other photographs from a trip my grandparents made out West during the 1950s. I cannot make out the writing on the side of the coach because when I blow it up, the photo is a bit blurry, as though the photographer did not hold quite still. Looking at the building on the right, which seems to be a false front with platforms and such in the back, I surmise that this was a movie set. If only I had noticed these photographs during my grandmother’s life time and asked her to tell me about the trip! Alas, I did not.

To see more photographs from this same trip, Trains – My Grandparent’s Mystery Tour.

I wonder if they had an opportunity to take a ride in that stage coach? With the horses all hitched up, it would seem rides were offered? In our area we have Columbia State Park – an old mining town kept as authentic as possible & stage coach rides are part of the fun. The last picture in my blog this week is of the Columbia State Park stage coach making its rounds.
Your family was/is all good looking. I do love the hat and the two tone shoes. The scene does look like a movie set.
Well, you DID have a stagecoach after all. That must have been thrilling to tour a movie set. The scene reminds me of an amusement park we used to have near where I live but it’s no longer in business. Frontier Village, maybe? Anyway, it looked like a wild west town. The stagecoach ride always included a robbery and shoot’em up followed by a fast escape back to the saloon.
Ah the well-known regret of not talking to our grandparents when we had the oportunity; I often think this is what drives we bloggers to write in such detail. How exciting though to have visited a film set.
People dressed so much better then, even (or especially) when traveling
People did dress a lot better then, especially for photos and trips… and downtown, and the grocery store…well just everywhere! Great post! 🙂
Ah, so many questions we could have asked, if only we’d thought of them when those who knew the answers were around to tell us.
Such style. Such romance. Good photos of a bygone era. You’re lucky to have such a collection even if you don’t have the answers to your questions.
Very stylish! And those shoes!
The more of these coaches I see the more I wish I could cadge a ride.
You’ve done it again…..matched the theme! Well done you. But how frustrating not to know where this was taken…I’m thinking something like a wild west theme park might be the answer.
They are styling in those hats. Very lovely family!
I had to read it your post twice because I couldn’t believe a stage coach could hold all those people! And if it could they surely wouldn’t look so stylish after a ride.