For this year’s April A-Z Challenge I am blogging everyday using items taken from the letters written by my grandfather to my grandmother from 1907 to 1912, starting with “A” and moving right through the alphabet to “Z” during April.
Postmark – June 20, 1909. Somehow I had overlooked this postcard, but I felt I had to post it, even though I had to dig pretty deep to find a “J” connection. I wonder what my grandmother thought when she received this card?
Written in Toledo, mailed Buffalo C-
I left Indianapolis last night at 7:25. Stayed all night in Hamilton O. Am now in Toledo at 10 a.m. will leave for Detroit 2:14.
ha. now that is a romantic postcard!! 😛
I know! I’m sure she got a chuckle out of it.
A medical student’s nightmare, I suppose, where the cadavers are out to get their revenge? It’s a perfectly legitimate J post and a not-to-be-missed postcard!
I’m glad you okayed the “June” . If only we had a month for X 🙂
Also could’ve been used as a “w” postcard… “w” for WOW!
So true.
I really enjoyed reading these postcards and your annotations. What a lovely sense of humour they must have had and how very romantic the cards are – even this one with the skeletons, sharing his thoughts and fears.
That’s a pretty creepy postcard for 1909. Very cool.
History Sleuth’s Writings – Blogging A-Z
Pretty creepy for 2014 even.
Cadavers’ dream, students’ nightmare. It is amazing at times the images
of postcards of this time period, and before/after. Thanks for sharing.
Hoped she say the funny side.
I hope so too.
Perhaps he was using one of his “Medical Pencils” =Blue…I would of been scared!
I remember taking a tour of Howard medical school and peeking into the room where they had a cadaver on the table.