From Left to right My grandmother, Fannie Mae Turner Graham, peeking over my greatgrandmother’s, Jennie Virginia Allen Turner’s, shoulder. My grandmother’s sister Daisy Turner. Behind and between Aunt Daisy and Aunt Alice Turner, is my aunt Mary Virginia Graham Elkins, although she was not yet an Elkins. At the end, behind Alice, is my mother, Doris Graham Cleage, although she was not yet married a Cleage either.
They are posed in Grandmother Turner’s backyard on the East Side of Detroit at 4536 Harding. The house is gone now. They look like they just came from Church, at Plymouth Congregational, however the photo is dated July 4, 1939 on the back. July 4 was on a Tuesday that year. Maybe they went on a church picnic. My grandfather, Mershell C. Graham took the picture.
What a wonderful photo!
Hello Kristin;
I am replying to your post about Marion Lucy Pettiford the daughter of Wilson Joseph Pettiford. I have information on her and her siblings. Marion was a cousin to my great grandfather Joseph J. Pettiford and she was a descendant of Edmund and Sarah Carter Pettiford and the granddaughter of Young Pettiford. She lived in Pennsylvania until her death in 1955. Her last living sibling is Leroy Pettiford who lives in Mass. with his daughter. I will be happy to share more information with you when you contact me .