My sister Pearl interviewed me in 2010 about my interest and findings in family history research. I talked about some of the stories I’ve blogged about – Dock Allen’s Escape, finding Eliza in the 1860 census and slave documents. I have found more information since the time of this interview – court records about the land case between the Turners, newspaper articles, and several Wills from slave holders who owned my Cleages and Turners.
It gives you a chance to hear my voice and my thoughts about how to start your research. I highly recommend being interviewed. I am enjoying listening to myself talk, for one thing. If you can’t find anyone to interview you, interview yourself! I think it makes a great addition to the legacy we are leaving for those following us.
2010 Story Corps interview with my sister Pearl asking me about my research and findings.

Great Share!
Thanks Erikka.
What a great bequest to your family, combining the story of your family history and letting them hear your voice. When we read each other’s stories we read it in our own voice and forget the local accent.
That’s so true Pauleen. It was so nice to hear Julie’s voice on the you tube features, and Andrea’s on her blog.
I will always regret that I don’t have any recordings of my mother’s voice. Or my grandparents.
Love it! Thank you! 🙂
You’re welcome!
I love this, to have the researcher’s voice telling the family stories. What a treasure this will be for you and your sister’s descendants.
One day they will be glad they have it, to hear my long gone voice.
Brilliant work by both you and your sister. Hearing your voice brings immediacy and intimacy to your research.
We did it with StoryCorps and I wasn’t sure how I would do, being interviewed. The time went very quickly. That chopped off sentence of mine at the end was me saying something to that effect.
A great way of preserving this interview for your future generations. They will love to hear your and your sister’s voices and laughter!
I really have to think about this way to interview family members and not only to scribble down what they were saying.
Thank you very much for sharing this with us, Kristin!
Kristen, I loved this post. It was great to hear your voice and that of Pearl.
I love the way you often finish each other’s sentences. The details that you captured in the recording and the stories were wonderful. I especially liked the one of rubbing himself in onion to fool the dogs!
What a wonderful idea! I enjoyed listening to part of it–and want to listen to the whole thing when I find a little time. The recording is of such high quality. It reminds me of some of the stories that I hear on National Public Radio.
We did it with StoryCorps – they provide the equipment and the recording and they are NPR! There was a facilitator there but she only told us how to start and when to end. She was so pleasant and the whole experience was so relaxed. I recommend doing an interview with someone in your family when they are in your area. We were sad when the facilitator was killed in a car accident not too long afterward.
What a beaut idea, Kristin. As a poor typist who has no trouble talking I might just follow your lead.
Look forward to hearing you.
I love it! I want to do something like this with my dad. Great interview!
Do it! Wish I had done it with my mother.
Just wonderful!
Thank you Angella! I’m so glad we did it.