There has been a flurry of blog awarding going on recently and I have received a few. I love knowing that people read my blog and I’m overjoyed when they like it. I must admit though that I have always been uneasy about the passing the award along part and even the posting and writing about it part. It took as long for me to write this post about awards as it does to write a regular blog post.

I remember the blogging award frenzy of 2009 -2010. It finally reached the point where there was nobody left to receive the awards because everybody had been nominated at least once. It hasn’t gotten quite that far this time but it’s heading there. This post – Blogging Genealogy: Blog Awards and SEO and the discussion now happening on Pauleen’s blog here – Blog of the Year 2012 Award Updates raise some interesting questions and concerns about blog awards in general.
Instead of fulfilling the requirements for the awards, I would like to thank everybody who has given me an award and those who have read my blog and commented either here or on facebook or Google + or Follow Friday me on Twitter, and also those who read and think about what I post without commenting. Instead of passing on the awards I am going to continue visiting blogs I enjoy, commenting when I have something to say and I’m going to set up a list of blogs that I read regularly and enjoy so that my readers can check them out for themselves if they want to.
Now the awards and Thank yous.
Because of the “Wonderful Team Member Readership Award” I discovered how to see the number of comments every reader ever made on my blog since moving to this site. Who knew? I didn’t. Sheryle of A Hundred Years Ago was my most prolific commentator with 74 comments.
THANK YOU Liv, Catherine, Pauleen, Julie, Kathy, Shelley and Andrea for the following awards
Liv of Claiming Kin
Catherine of Seeking Susan~Meeting Marie~Finding Family
Shelly of My Genealogical Journey/Danish West Indian Family History
Andrea Kelleher of How did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey.
Yvette Porter Moore of Root Digger Genealogy
Wendy of Oregon gifts of Comfort and Joy
Pauleen of Family History Across the Seas
Julie of Anglers Rest
Kathy of Abbie and Evaline selected me for the Liebster Blog Award – “liebster” meaning “dearest” in German.
Congrats on your nominations, but more importantly, thank you for this post. I’ve had similar feelings about these awards and after reading Pauleen’s & Caroline’s posts, I understand my unease. I think I’ll follow your lead and continue reading and commenting on my favourite blogs.
There is a “Follow Friday” thing that lots of people do on twitter and some do on their blogs. That might be a focused approach I could use too.
Interesting. I once got an award (me, with my haphazard posting and minuscule readership) and it just seemed like a chain letter to pass it on. So I just ignored that, thanked the person, but never posted it.
Zann, I think that after awhile all the blogs a person might give an award already have one and so people who feel obliged to post are looking for any good blog without the award.
You are very welcome and let me just say I apologize for adding to your uneasiness about this award! I haven’t been blogging as long as you guys and don’t know all the history behind the intent of blog awards. But I’m not surprised that you’ve received a variety of blog awards from readers over the years because your blog is EXCELLENT – filled with some of the most content-rich letters, historical news and information, family stories, and photos that I’ve seen online. So I’ve come to enjoy everything you’ve shared here and more! STILL, I do understand the need to maintain excellent SEO standards at all times. I totally agree with you modifying your acceptance of the award considering the controversy surrounding them and appreciate you sharing your thoughts here. Overall, I’m just glad I had this opportunity to direct those who frequent my place in cyberspace to your blog!
Liv, You didn’t add to my uneasiness. I’ve always felt that way. I really don’t understand the SEO thing but it takes so much time to respond and I think there is a better way to do the same thing in a better way. I hope so anyway! I really appreciate your kind words and thank you for telling me! Feel free to tell me any time, just no more awards ;D
Now I just need to follow through on adding a blog roll and doing some Follow Friday activities to share blogs I admire. I haven’t been very good about doing that in the past.
Got it! Now Follow Friday I know about! And if you recall your blog was one of my Follow Friday features in 2011. I don’t worry so much with the frequency of posting with that feature. I created a Follow Friday category on my blog and send FF post once a month, or once every other month that are filed under that category. By posting that way, that gives me plenty time to visit a website or blog to get a feel for it before I recommend it to others. So be as flexible as you want or need to be with that activity!
Thanks Kristin. I’m reframing how I see these awards after these discussions. I agree that visiting, commenting and replying to comments are pivotal parts of our blogging or it becomes like voices in the wilderness. Don’t think I have the discipline for FF summaries. How do you count the comments? I only found recent “top commenters” and calculated the rest myself.
I go to “Comments” in dashboard mode and it shows all the comments and who made them. Under the commenters name (even my own) it tells how many comments have been approved. For everybody. Only the admin can see them.
I’m not good with the FF either but I was thinking that maybe a few times a year I might be able to do it. Time will tell.
It must be one of the differences between self-hosted WP sites and as I notice you can do somethings on yours that the help sites tell me I can’t. All mine shows is name, blog address, email and IP address, so it’s the old fashioned counting way -actually by searching by email.
Thanks for your thoughts, Kristin. I’m like Liv above – new to this and didn’t know anything about their history, etc. This first time it happened, I was extremely flattered. This second time, I began to have mixed feelings. Not sure how I will respond next time they come around. But I was just thinking this morning that this “award” process allowed me to share blogs I have found with others who may not have found them yet – and hopefully encouraging readership of their blog. Also – the bloggers I nominated have now led me to some that I have missed – and some good ones! And for a newbie like me, receiving the recognition is encouragement to continue.
I need to be better about leaving comments. I try – but there is only so much time in a day. And perhaps an occasional blog post to highlight a few blogs I follow would be a good alternative. I haven’t added a blog roll to my blog, but I may consider that as well.
Anyway – I’m so glad you shared your thoughts in a blog post.
Kathy, I know what you mean about leaving comments. It is very time consuming and there are only so many hours in the day. I have just received 2 more awards today and I think we are approaching the avalanche of the previous award giving season 🙂
All I want to do is Read and Learn. You all have been so valuable and I’m glad we met! I like going over to Blogs that you all Love. I still say all your awards are well deserved and regarded. Just don’t leave me behind………..
We’re all on this journey together! There is no leaving behind. I’m glad you are visiting some new blogs and hope you find some you like.
Hi Kristin, the love just keeps pouring in. I have nominated you also for a Team Member Readership Award. Thank you so much for your continued support.
Thank you so much for appreciating my input, Andrea! I’ve added your name and a link to your blog above.
Kris, to me, you’ve already gotten the best award that you could ever hope to receive — the gratitude and appreciation of all those who read and BENEFIT from your blog and other posts.
I’m personally ENRICHED by what you so generosity and expertly offer, and I’ve got a lot of company, as the comments above attest.
Best of all, you do this work SELFLESSLY — not for credit, flattery or glory, much less for money. You’re motivated by love, and it SHOWS.
As a scholar, I couldn’t begin to thank you enough for all that you do to add to, clarify and correct the historical record. Not only on your wonderful family, in all of its far-flung branches, but also on the history of “black” Detroit, Michigan and other subjects that you treat.
We’re all privileged to know you, and I’m deeply honored to almost be related to you. I adore you, Kris. Thank you!
Awww, Paul, thanks for this “Award”. Yes, I agree that the best award is the readers themselves. And thank you Paul for the help you give me in adding needed information, finding great photos and most recently finding out who lived where by searching your collection of directories and telephone books. If I gave awards I’d have to give you one for being on my support team.