While looking through the binder holding my father’s sermon notes I found these for Sunday, December 25, 1966. Some were written on a small donation envelope. There is also a bulletin and two pages of sermon notes that are for the same Sunday. Although page 2 and a possible page 4 are missing, I think that there is enough here to give the gist of the sermon.
A Christ To Carol
Go tell it on the Mountain Jesus Christ is Born
II. Christmas Spirituals
= Carols written by slaves
= “Good News”?=
Glory Manger
Po’ Little Jesus Boy
Jesus first came first to down trodden and oppressed.
“Tell John…”
I. Child waiting for Christmas thinks only of Santa Claus
= Child for whom Christmas means most – not one who receives most in terms of material gifts –
III. “Gospel” was the Good News of the possibilities in human life –
Slaves may have been closer to realizing possibilities than many of us today.
We tend to judge everything today in terms of materialistic value –
EVEN CHRISTMAS – Commercialized
(How much we can give)
Thanks for this Ms.Kristin, My Dad was Chairman of the Deacon Board for 31 years under 2 Pastors. So now I want to go back over some old tapes of Daddie praying for Alter Call. He had a lot of responsibility. He only missed 2 Sundays in a row. For the first time in his LIfE, By the 3rd, he was Gone…….in 2009. Me and him took His last Communion together. We stayed in Church all the time. Love the ol’Bulletin. I have kept a lot from past also. This is so Great!
Merry Christmas Ms. Kristin!
I’m glad you liked it. There are so many memories in looking back at the bulletins and the sermon notes and remembering.
This is absolutely great. As a young preacher and pastor, I am always looking to the great giants of the past to provide me guidance in this High and Holy work!
Rori, I’m glad you enjoyed this post.
how fortunate you are to have this archive, and memories, of his spiritual work. It also made me reflect on how as parents, and grandparents, we need to work at reducingbthe impaxt of materialism and help our babies understand what is of true value, not the religious message alone, but also the spiritual if you see what I mean.
I agree. I think that is one of the most important lessons I’ve tried to pass on. That and working hard is an important part of life, whether you get paid to do it or not.