This book has seen much use. It is held together with masking tape. It is full of the old standards of the day. It was published by “The Cable Company, Manufacturers of the famous Cable Line of Pianos and Inner- Player Pianos.” Click all images to enlarge.

My grandmother Fannie Turner Graham wrote on the cover of the book “Mary Virginia and Doris Graham. 1933. From Aunt Daisy who died suddenly 1961”

I chose this poem by James Whitcomb Riley because I was feeling rather nostalgic, thinking about my sister and me back in the olden days.
Perfect. Everyone should hve an old Aunt Mary in their lives to inspire words like these. I loved the sunshine, spread as thick as butter on country bread.
I love that image too. Wish I had a piece of hot homemade bread thick with butter right now!
I have my mother’s childhood book of James Whitcomb Riley poems, and that inspired me to collect some postcards featuring his poems.
I have two slim books with two of his poems, “Good-bye Jim” and “An Old Sweetheart of Mine”. I was going to use the cover of the second, but I lost the front of it and only have the back, so I used this one.
This is a lovely post, Kristin. I am endlessly amazed by the collection of family documents and related stories you have pulled together — and to have family photos to go with them is wonderful.
I thought I had about run out but the latest few Sepia Saturday posts are making me dig deeper and find more.
My favourite was the Ode to Old Aunt Mary with its evocative descriptions – I could almost smell “the jelly, the jam and the marmalade”. A precious family treasure.
And now she’s waiting for them in Heaven.
I love the images conjured up by that poem
A beautiful poem because of the vivid imagery and the comfortable rhyme and gentle rhythm. Riley deserves a special place in American literature because his works inspired so many of our ancestors.
I never thought of scanning an old book!
You’ve chosen well.
I will scan anything.
I wish there had been a tradition of giving books in my family. I would love to start one now, but I suspect the days of book giving are gone and passing on a Kindle file is hardly the same. Our memories are so clearly related to solid objects – books, photographs, diaries – that I sometimes worry about what will be left for the next few generations to write about on Sepia Saturday.
My grandkids still read books along with the kindles but I stopped giving them books because I had no idea what kind of books they liked. Sometimes they tell me about them, but I couldn’t go into a bookstore and pick out one similar.
You took up the suggestion of finding an old book and the poem you chose from it is lovely.
At first I thought I didn’t have another bike picture so I would not participate but when I found it was a book cover, I decided I could 🙂
I’m so thrilled you have pictures of your family. My dearest great aunt is held close in my memories, but I don’t have pictures of her.
Mary’s words smile & make me feel rather warm ……..Summer Prose !
Thanks for scanning & sharing here Kristin.