This is my 4th year participating in the A-Z Challenge. I am writing about people who were born into slavery and lived to be free.
I was looking for one of my enslaved ancestors named William Graham when I found an 1860 estate file on for Judge William A. Graham with a list of slaves to be divided between his heirs. I hoped my great grandfather was one of those named. I decided to go through the list of 60 plus and see what I could find out using online records. I still don’t know if the William on the list is mine or not, but it has been interesting to find out what happened to those listed after they were freed in 1865.

Kate appears on page two of the 1860 estate file of Judge William A. Graham. She was three years old and valued at $300. Kate was not in a family grouping. She was among a group of children that appeared to be without parents. Kate was placed in lot 4 along with 16 year old Emily and child, six year old Jane and 18 year old John. They were to go to William A. Graham of Autauga County, Alabama. Out of that group I have only been able to trace John, who I wrote about at Betsy & John Graham.I was unable to find Kate in the 1870 census or beyond.
Interesting that Kate was valued so highly at age 3. I’m assuming you didn’t look for her in 1880 since you didn’t find her in 1870. She might have married by then anyway.
I did look in 1880 and in 1900. I found a Kate Graham in Autauga County in 1900. She had been married 3 months. No husband was in the home. She had no children. I couldn’t really say that was her since she could have been Kate whoever and married Mr. Graham. I several Kates with other last names names but they were living far away with nothing to tie them to this particular Kate.
In the estate file, Fanny and Eliza, both under 2 were valued at $150. Two year old Clara was valued at $300, as were 3 year old Kate and 5 year old Jane. Four year old Antonette and six year old Jacob were valued at $350. An unnamed 4 month old was valued at $100. The only people who weren’t valued at all were the older ones.
A fascinating piece. Some questions are answered and so many more remain. Good luck with your research. It is an important way to honour your ancestors.
Interesting topic, and incredible family history. Thanks for sharing.
I wonder what happened to Kate. I hope she lived a good life. Maybe she just changed her name or something.
So many epidemics and infections ran through the communities back then – no antibiotics, minimal sanitation…
I wonder what happened to those children… where they came from, and where they went. So many lost stories…
@TarkabarkaHolgy from
The Multicolored Diary
I was wondering if their parents had died and there they were… Yes, so many lost stories and more going everyday.
It is so chilling to read that Kate was valued at $300. Children, all human beings are priceless.
Yes, just a little, little girl.
So sad to think of a child as being part of a “lot” and not a family. This is interesting. Thank you for sharing it.
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