This is another card from the collection of my maternal grandparents, Mershell and Fannie Graham. Unfortunately there is no name and no address so I have no way to find out who she is. Because it is dated 1920, the first Christmas after their marriage in 1919, I believe she was an old friend from Montgomery, Alabama sending them a card in their new home in Detroit. I will echo their unnamed friend by saying “Merry Xmas!”

Thank you for sharing these important missives!! Lives remembered – humanity restored!!
I think that the stories of regular, ordinary people are what makes the world turn. If we don’t remember them, who will?
Beautiful! Don’t you just wish there were a way we could call the names of these mysterious Ancestors? I always want to know their stories too! She called your Grandparents by their nicknames… that says something, eh?!:)
I really, really wish there was a way we could do that. I try with all the people I find who are named. That card sat in a bowl on my grandparents table for all the years they were alive. And I never asked them anything about them, even though we used to look through them regularly. If only…
A Beautiful Lady.
Hey Kristin,’sorry I have been AWOL recently.
Wishing You & Your Family The Best of Christmas.
Best Wishes
Things are pretty busy around here too as I finally start getting ready for Christmas! Merry Christmas to you and yours!
I think Luckie is on to something. The woman must have been either a relative or a close friend since she addressed the card so familiarly. But don’t give up hope of discovering who she is. You never know. Information has a habit of popping up when & where you least expect it! Happy Holidaze.
I think she must have been a close friend because I think I know the relatives who were around during that time. Just wish I knew her name.
Chelllllooooo Kris:
What wonderful images. I love Sepia Saturdays. You are blessed to have so much primary and secondary witnessing. As I shared @Pearl’s your stories touch our Souls and they are incentives for us all to go deeper into our family histories. I’ve begun to use your model with my Family in preparing for our 2014 Reunion. I also loved your use of the alphabet to unravel more historical information, more stories. My the Spirit continue to unlock the Secrets of our narratives. Much Love; can’t wait for another sit down and don’t forget the Caramel Cake <3
It’s soooo good too see a comment from you! I really appreciate it. I will surely be eating caramel cake and a couple of others this holiday season. I know your Reunion will be memorable.
Merry Christmas, Kristin and to Shell and Fannie, too.
Barbara Finwall
Oh Barbara, my grandparents have been dead since the early 1970s. They would be well over 130 if they were still alive. Merry Christmas to you too!
That’s an unusual, and very effective, frame. Merry Christmas and best wishes to you and yours, Kristin.
I just wish she’d signed her card! Merry Christmas to you too, Brett.
Lovely post, Kristin. One thing we know for sure–the sender of this card was thinking of far away friends over the holidays. A wonderful sentiment to pass on today, even if you can’t (yet) call her name.
A lovely card, simple but gets the message across – the sender didn’t need to sign because who she was would have been obvious to the recipients 🙂 Merry Xmas to you, Kristin!
That’s true. Just like so many people didn’t label their photos for the same reasons. Unfortunately, we now have no idea who the are.
Happy Christmas, Kristin and a prosperous New Year.
And the same to you Bob!
Merry Christmas Kristin! Were they always known as Shell and Fan? Love the jaunty angled “and”.
I think they were. That is how the letter’s I have were addressed to them and signed.
Another wonderful Christmas photo to go with the lady from last weekend. Even not knowing her name, she still becomes a new friend for us to celebrate the season. My best wishes to you and your family for a joyful Christmas and bright new year.
Your blog is looking very sepia today this week! Merry Sepia Christmas!
I’ve never seen a frame cut at such an angle. Pretty snazzy. Happy New Year, Kristin!
And Merry Christmas to you too. An unusual sepia picture and frame in keeping with our Sepia Saturday theme.
Hello Kristin!!
I couldn’t let the year end before coming by
to offer you my best wishes for 2014,
to you and all of your loved ones.
Had a look around before ending here,
and yes, the holidays seem quite the busy time for you.
May 2014 be kind to you and bring you many moments of joy!!
This said, while I like the portrait of this elusive friends of your grand-parents,
I find the cut of the frame a tad modern for 1920, and unusual for me.
I’ve seen oblong or square, with scallops, but never like this. Intriguing…
I wonder if she wasn’t part of the wedding celebrations, or perhaps visited
your grand-parents when they had children, for baptism or informal visits.
Surely there is something in your records that could give you a lead
to finding out her name. A mystery to be [eventually] discovered.
Do let us know if you ever find out!!
Unfortunately, there are no photographs from their wedding. She might have been a member of the same church. She wouldn’t have visited them when they had children because I’m thinking she was in Montgomery AL and they were in Detroit, MI as soon as they got married in 1919. Unless I run across an identified photograph of her somewhere, I’m afraid she will remain a mystery.
About the diagonal cut – maybe it was an experimental photographer who was ahead of his time. Unfortunately, the photographer isn’t identified either.
Wishing you a peaceful and joy in the coming year too!