About 1940 my uncle Louis was in St. Louis as an intern at Homer G. Philips Hospital. He sent my grandmother in Detroit this telegram on Mother’s Day. These photographs were taken a few years later.
Dr. Louis J. CleagePearl Reed Cleage
12 thoughts on “Mother’s Day Telegram -1940”
That telegram is so sweet. Happy Mother’s Day!
Happy Mother’s Day to you too, Andrea!
Happy Mother’s Day, Kristin.
Aww…isn’t that sweet? I haven’t seen a header like this on a telegram before. And is that ivy or geraniums behind them in a planter behind the sofa?
Those are geraniums. I remember my uncle telling me his mother always took the geraniums inside for the winter and saved them from year to year to put out in the summer.
Happy Mother’s Day, Kristin!
I miss telegrams. Well, except when they brought bad news–it’s true that one was stricken with dread when a telegram was delivered. When we couldn’t be at a family wedding because we lived continents away, we used to send a telegram, which would be read out at the reception. At my parents’ fiftieth anniversary we read out emails: but it isn’t the same.
I wonder why it’s not the same, but it isn’t. Too common place? We didn’t send telegrams at the rate of 10 a day, they were special. Emails, are everyday.
Short, concise and certainly effective.
She must have been pleased!!
Nice pics!!
That other post (DNA) was interesting too!!
She must have been because she saved it all the rest of her life. Glad you enjoyed the DNA post too. I enjoyed putting it together.
Louis was a good looking guy. He looks rather rakish (or saucy) in this particular foto. Really like the Western Union art w/ the family all around. Just adorable. Wow!
He was good looking. He took his glasses off for this photo too.
That telegram is so sweet. Happy Mother’s Day!
Happy Mother’s Day to you too, Andrea!
Happy Mother’s Day, Kristin.
Aww…isn’t that sweet? I haven’t seen a header like this on a telegram before. And is that ivy or geraniums behind them in a planter behind the sofa?
Those are geraniums. I remember my uncle telling me his mother always took the geraniums inside for the winter and saved them from year to year to put out in the summer.
Happy Mother’s Day, Kristin!
I miss telegrams. Well, except when they brought bad news–it’s true that one was stricken with dread when a telegram was delivered. When we couldn’t be at a family wedding because we lived continents away, we used to send a telegram, which would be read out at the reception. At my parents’ fiftieth anniversary we read out emails: but it isn’t the same.
I wonder why it’s not the same, but it isn’t. Too common place? We didn’t send telegrams at the rate of 10 a day, they were special. Emails, are everyday.
Short, concise and certainly effective.
She must have been pleased!!
Nice pics!!
That other post (DNA) was interesting too!!
She must have been because she saved it all the rest of her life. Glad you enjoyed the DNA post too. I enjoyed putting it together.
Louis was a good looking guy. He looks rather rakish (or saucy) in this particular foto. Really like the Western Union art w/ the family all around. Just adorable. Wow!
He was good looking. He took his glasses off for this photo too.