This is my ninth year of blogging the A to Z Challenge. Everyday I will share something about my family’s life during 1950. This was a year that the USA federal census was taken and the first one that I appear in. At the end of each post I will share a book from my childhood collection.
Visits from Detroit over those five years we lived in Springfield were common. During 1950 my Elkins cousins traveled to Springfield in August with their mother, Mary Vee, my mother’s sister. I think they traveled by train, as we did when we went to Detroit. I don’t remember where they slept or eating together or anything about the trip, but I have the photos to show it happened.

On the back of the photo (Tod is my father) “Tod caught this unaware! E-Gad! He says we look like typical mothers – so he says!” Taken in Springfield, Mass Aug. 1950
Unfortunately, these are not the same illustrations, but the same story
What cozy domestic photos from your early years. I may not comment on each set, because of having to give name, email and blog link, but I have definitely been enjoying these. And all your children’s books! I missed out, being given mainly the Little Golden Books, which for some reason seem bland compared to yours.
Most of the books I shared were Golden Books with a couple of Elf books. There seem to have been two types of books – the ones like “Fix it Please” or “Susie’s New Stove” about everyday things. And then there were the wildly imaginative and sometimes bizzare ones like “Gaston and Josephine” and “Pantaloon”. Today’s childrens books seem quite tame by comparison. Or maybe I’ve not been seeing the right ones.
Wonder what the little girl was shocked about
I guess it was the same thing my mother and aunt were looking at so worriedly. I wish I knew.