Another in the series of photographs taken in my maternal grandparents yard in Detroit. Shell was my grandfather. John Wesley was my grandmother’s first cousin who was visiting from Chicago. This photo was taken the same day as the fourth photo down on the linked page, dated September 21, 1961. On the back of the photo it says “Our backyard 9-21-1961 (right to left) John Wesley, John Bishops son, Ernest and Shell”
Tag Archives: #yard photos
Backyard Photos – Theodore St. Detroit, Michigan
While going through my grandmother’s photographs awhile ago I noticed that they had photos of people lined up in the backyard. When I looked closer I found some of the relatives I had not realized we had pictures of. One lingering question is why was cousin Alphonso the only relative I met?

Left to right: Abbie Allen Brown, Mershell Graham (my grandfather), Alphonso Brown(Abbie’s son), me, Doris Graham Cleage (my mother) Back – Fannie (my grandmother) Henry Cleage (my uncle & step-father). Abbie was my 2 x great aunt and Dock & Eliza’s daughter.

Left to right: Roscoe, Fannie, Stella, Abbie. Roscoe McCall was Mary Allen McCall’s son. Stella was his wife. Mary was Eliza’s daughter.

John Wesley Allen was Ransom Allen’s son. Ransom was Eliza and Dock’s son. Abbie was Dock and Eliza’s daughter. Alice was my grandmother Fannie’s youngest sister. Daisy was my grandmother’s sister. Bobbie was John’s wife.

Ruth is Beulah Allen Pope’s granddaughter and Robert Pope’s daughter. Abbie and Beulah were Dock and Eliza’s daughters. Robert Pope, Fannie and Alice were Dock & Eliza’s grandchildren. Ruth is Eliza’s great granddaughter. August 1963.