Today I was reading Nolichucky Roots She was writing about the degrees of separation between her and her ancestors who where slave owners. It got me thinking about how many degrees of separation there are between me and my ancestors who were enslaved. I have always felt that it wasn’t as long ago as some feel. It turns out I am one degree from slavery 6 different ways.

- My paternal grandfather, Albert born 1884 TN knew his parents, Lewis & Celia (Rice) Cleage born about 1852 & 1855 in TN into slavery. One degree. (photo 1 & 2 – Albert & Celia)
- My paternal grandmother, Pearl born 1886, knew her mother Anna Allen Reed who was born about 1849 in KY into slavery. (photo 3 Pearl)
- My maternal grandfather, Mershell born 1889 AL, knew his parents William & Mary (Jackson) Graham b. Al, 1851 & 1852. One degree. (photo 4)
- My maternal grandmother, Fannie born 1888 AL, knew her father, Howard Turner, who was born about 1863, AL into slavery. One degree.(photo 5 – Fannie)
- My maternal great-grandmother, Jennie born 1866 knew her parents, Dock & Eliza (Williams) Allen born in Ga & AL about 1839 into slavery. One degree. (photo 6 – Jennie, 7- Eliza, 8-Dock)
- My maternal grandmother’s first cousin, James born 1880 AL, knew his parents Edward & Mary (Allen) McCall born 1842 & 1856 AL who were born into slavery. One degree.(photo 9 James, 10- Mary).
That does not seem very far at all.
it's not when i consider the members of my family who knew people who were enslaved….i didn't even mention my mother who knew her aunt mary and all my aunts and uncles and half my 2nd or once removed cousins…which makes it only 2 degrees for you because you know me, a 1 in some cases because you knew/met your grandparents and one great grand.