Homer Jarrett
1702 Chestnut St.
St. Louis, MO
2730 Kenwood, Indiana
July 22, 1905
Dear Homer;
Please forgive me for not writing sooner, for I have been so very tired and after looking over the paper a minute I would go to sleep.
How are you? Well I hope. I am well as usual, but mother is very ill tonight, I have just fixed hot applications and a hot lemonade, and hope she is feeling easier now or will soon. I am afraid we shall be compelled to send for a doctor yet.
It is after 10:00 I think and I am growing sleepy Homer so I shall hurry up and O’ yes you spoke of sending or letting your mother see the picture, of course you may, I do not care. How is she?
We shall let liking or loving or the meaning of each alone until we meet – Homer I think it best, don’t you?
When are you coming here “you truant”? Do you forget you started here a great while ago? If you knew how you are missed you would hasten back as fast as you possibly could.
Your picture was taken in Hot Springs and now you must either send or bring me something from St. Louis or any other place your fancy leads you Homer, do you hear? They will serve as souvenirs of your travels to me. Are you having a nice time? I hope you are.
Hoping to see you soon.
I am yours Sincerely,
Pearl Reed
Two articles from 1905. The first about using lemons for lung trouble and sore throat . The second about how to make a hot compress without burning your fingers. Click to enlarge.