Homer Jarrett
230 Bird St. City
2730 Kenwood Ave. City
April 12, 1904
Your letter found mother much better and I thank you for your interest in her. You remember I spoke in the last letter to you of an invitation to an entertainment and that I thought that I would be unable to go, well I changed my mind and did go. We had a very nice time. There were about seventy-five there. We stayed until about twelve o’clock. I will be at home Wednesday, evening and shall expect you out. I had not heard of the entertainment at the Chapel although I met and spoke with a young man of that church last evening. I suppose he forgot it.
P.S. Write to Minnie for she is anxious to hear from you
Your Pearl
I wonder what kind of birthday anniversary it was with 75 people. I hope the rally at Allen Chapel was successful in lifting the debt.