Subject and Photographer

Me, 1949. My father is reflected in the mirror.

This shot was taken in our living room in the parsonage of St. John’s Congregational Church in Springfield, Mass.  I just noticed the reflection of my father taking the picture last night. I looked everywhere for that teapot in later years but it was lost in one of the various moves. It was blue with a gold design over it.  The couch was with us for many years.  Eventually the cushions were covered in reddish leather, or something like it. I remember that table, which was also around for a long time. And those little plastic records my sister and I used to play on our little phonograph.

Bringing this back from August 2011 for this weeks Sepia Saturday prompt showing a mirror and the reflection of the photographer. If only I had a rose behind my ear like Billie Holiday.

31 thoughts on “Subject and Photographer

  1. Could you even count how many times this moment was replayed given your family's blessed passion for photography?

    This stirs up so many memories for me. The same sofa, along with two matching chairs, sits in the cottage we've rented for years. I love that we can never damage it (though we've tried!) but hate that I can't stretch out to read on it without finding extra pillows.

  2. Somehow that reflection of your father makes this photo more valuable. That doesn' alway apply when the snapper is caight in the frame.

  3. I love this photo, and the way it evokes the memories of people and place. You are darling!

  4. Not only is it a beautiful picture of you, it has a real feeling of your home.

  5. That photo would be nice even without the reflection, but I think the reflection makes it extra special.

  6. Lovely photo of you made even more beautiful with your dad always there watching over you.

  7. Glad for you you saw his reflection. I agree it adds to the value for you.
    Great post.

  8. sometimes I was a quiet child. i was always thinking. i got quieter as i got older. mostly.

  9. Isn’t it amazing how you’ve look at this photo through the years and just now realize your father’s image in the mirror? I do this all the time whenever I look back at old family photos too. But again, I tribute that skill (paying attention to details) to our genealogy research. I find as I continue to hon my research skills, I really pay attention to the small stuff as I do what is painfully obvious.

    This photo of you is B E A U T I F U L!

  10. If only a rose. 🙂 But really – especially with your father’s reflection in the mirror – this is a perfect picture for the prompt.

  11. People’s reflections in mirrors always make me laugh, especially in listings for houses for sale where it’s obvious few people know how to snap a good picture of the bathroom without capturing themselves in the mirror.

  12. There’s a wonderful emotional tone to this photo…your serenity, the trappings of childhood around you and your father’s image. Another treasure.

  13. Again you have shown the power of one photograph in reflecting the prompt – the lovely picture of yourself, the homely objects that evoked such memories in you, and of course the ever presence of your father.

  14. The photo is wonderful. I love how something that probably once was considered a flaw in the photo is now what makes it so special.

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