After a break from working on the restoration of the dollhouse my grandfather made me I am working on it again. Here are a few photos of what’s been done. For Christmas I received several great items for the house. The plants, the planters, the dollhouse, and the birds decorating the tree are several. I also received a refrigerator made from paper from my friend Michael! You would never think it was put together from paper to look at it. I have work to do on the kitchen, where the cupboards below will be installed. And the windows, lights and some other curtains have to be completed. Not to mention artwork, a mirror and photographs for the walls have to be done.

it looks GREAT! bring on billy bixby! LOL
LOL. You must mean Buddy Bigford, Pearl’s evil little boy doll.
oooh wonderful! for some reason, i especially love the bookcases under the stairs!
Me too! I took one of the books out, “Kristin Lavransdatter” and put it on the table. I was named after the Kristin in that book. I was able to find the cover online and make one that looks just as old and faded as my actual book.
I made the bookcase out of an wooden soap holder I received years ago and saved it because I knew I’d need it for something.
I can’t believe that this is what emerged from the “bones” of a doll house you started with. That is really incredible and not something I would ever consider doing.
Very nice! All here are very gratified to see their gifts in use in the house. Abeo said “Oh! When I looked at first I thought it was a picture of a room in a real house!” and that pretty much sums up our thoughts on this end — AMAZING! Also, I notice of late that Hasina’s dolls have started moving around a bit in their house — good thing they haven’t seen the pictures of what you have going over there or they might start packing up for a move across town.
Kathy, I couldn’t do it without my contractors help (husband Jim)
Jilo, you should post some photos of Hasina’s dollhouse on your fb page. i might have some stuff leftover when I’m done that she could use.
Very Nice! Let me know if you need any odds and ends from me, the house is looking great! Keep up the good work.
Looking good!!
Kris, you are a TRUE artist, a creative person in the PUREST sense. As such, you’re a blessing to the world.
I love the black and white tiles in the bathroom. My cousin and I once made a doll house out of cardboard boxes and scraps of fabric. That was such fun!
You’re doing an excellent job!