This is my tenth completed A to Z Challenge. This April I went through the alphabet using snippets about my family through the generations. I had all of my posts written before the challenge started.
I also did National Poetry Writing Month, so I wrote a poem a day. They were quick poems, which I posted on my Ruff Draft poetry blog.
I mostly read the same blogs everyday, trying a few new ones as we went on. I found the directory to be be very frustrating as many of the links took me to places where the person had not done the A to Z Challenge beyond signing up. I did find several new ones. Blogs I followed were:
Atherton’s Magic Vapour
Anne’s Family History
Backsies Is What There Is Not
Black & White
The Curry Apple Orchard
The Dreamgirl Writes
Family history across the seas
Hot Dogs and Marmalade
Jemima Pett
The Multicolored Diary
My Ordinary Moments
The Pensive
Pepper Route
Sascha Darlington’s Microcosm Explored
Stories I Found in the Closet
Tell Me Another
Women’s Legacy Project
I did visit more blogs and some got lost during the month if I didn’t remember to add them to my list. As I do my Reflections tour, I hope to refind them!
You can find an index to my April posts here A to Z Challenge 2023
Thank you to everyone who makes the challenge work and to everyone who read my posts and to those who commented. I tried to visit back and comment all of you back. And to my husband Jim who proof reads my posts. Although I do sometimes change up afterwards, so he’s not to blame if some errors creep in!
I’m already thinking about A to Z for 2024. I even have a previously unused Z!

I followed some of the blogs you listed, too.
Ronel visiting for Reflecting on a Double A-Z Challenge 2023
I did see you there.
Congratulations on completing another A to Z and thank you for visiting throughout the month and commenting.
I had to see what your ancestors were doing.
Congratulations on finishing the A to Z (and all ahead of time, no less)! I always enjoy your little windows into history. And thanks for visiting me all month.
Alphabet of Alphabets: Zebras
I enjoyed the different alphabets. Going to look for an alphabet of food or baking soon.
Congratulations!!! And thanks for mentioning my blog, here!
And having a Z all ready to go for next year is a great sign! Do you have an X, though? That is the most ticklish one, I often find.
I do have X. Not a new one though.
I enjoyed your story so much, although I didn’t know the characters well enough to pick the murderer/s.
I am so glad that you found more blogs to visit! That’s wonderful.
I enjoyed the April Blogging from #AtoZChallenge 2023.
Proof of Existence, book two in my dark urban fantasy series, came out in April. I hope you’ll check it out.
And please don’t miss the amazing giveaway on my blog. Act fast and enter now!
J Lenni Dorner (he/him ???????? or ???????? they/them) ~ Speculative Fiction &Reference Author, OperationAwesome6 Debut Author Interviewer, and Co-host of the #AtoZchallenge
I’m glad you enjoyed the challenge too!
I enjoyed your posts and photos, as always, and the histories, clips, etc. that further detailed your family’s history. Next year, I plan to write ahead as I found the the last week a bit daunting this year. And kudos to you for also doing a poetry challenge at the same time!
Writing ahead really makes a big difference. I look forward to following your family history journey.
Congratulations on completing the challenge! Writing the posts ahead of time worked really well for me, too.
I enjoyed taking a look at history through your family’s experiences.
I found your posts about life in Washington DC during the 1940s interesting also.
Congratulations on completing the challenge this year, too, Kristin! This was your 10th A to Z…that’s great! Wish you the best for the next one. 🙂
And, thank you for visiting my blog!
Thanks for visiting back too!
You are the epitome of the A2Z, Kristen!
Blush. Thank you Jemima! I think I had a good year this A to Z.
I’m impressed that you had had written all your posts ahead of the start of the challenge your posts, along too with your poetry challenge , plus managed to read so many other blogs on the way. Congratulations!
It makes such a big difference to have the posts all written before hand! I hope to do it the same way for next year.
A Z waiting for the right spot — lucky you!